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"Happy and blessed is the soul animated with My sentiments, remains faithful, and who, after a fall, comes back to Me."

"Listen, My daughter, pray a great deal. There are very many souls….., who approach Me while knowingly they possess satan in their lives. Sacrilegiously they receive Me in Holy Communion and after that they cast Me at the feet of satan whom they have enthroned in their lives with an oath. I pour tears of blood over My Church. Time is short and the everlasting ages are mine. My Mercy will be followed by Justice. In good time, I give My warning to souls. I have nothing more precious to Me as the souls of mankind."

"The demon is disposed to misleading souls. Satan already knows how short his time is. Such a pitiable state. The souls I love so much do not understand to what extent. Happy and blessed is the soul, animated with My sentiments, remains faithful and who, after a fall, comes back to Me. My Mercy accepts all the pains….. all these lead a soul to the height of sanctity and to the last triumph."


2.30 a.m., 15th October, 1988


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