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"The earth is crumbling"
"My daughter, I speak to you. I am using you to warn souls before it is too late. The earth is crumbling like quicksand. In the centre of My Church more than ever satan is marching in order to get rid of all souls. He stalks the world with fury, maddening and capturing souls. I implore you to speak to everyone even though they do not believe you. My hand will be very severe with those priests who have abused Me and do not believe in My words of Mercy to mankind."

"It is satan’s hour to capturing souls. Listen to My call of mercy to this mankind. It is My great work of redemption. I will bring you few beloved souls of mine who will help you in this work, as I have willed. Give My words to the small hosts. I need the desire to pray for the appeasement of the wrath of My Eternal father. Make My merciful warning known to all and tell them I need them to be saved from their sins which lead to perdition."

‘"I bless you."

2.00 a.m., 8th June, 1988


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