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Tahoe City's utility approves '07 budget Sierra Sun
The year is almost over, but the Tahoe City Public Utility District board of directors is prepared to pay for next year's water, sewer and recreation expenses.
Stop Your Gas Bill From Rising 180%! Fool.co.uk via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance
Utility companies adjust direct debits in winter and summer, but this sometimes amounts to an interest-free loan from us little guys. You don't have to take this!
Boat builder gets government contract to build 26-foot utility craft The News-Review
The U.S. Navy has enlisted Roseburg's North River Boats. North River is currently completing five boats for a Navy contract. The 26-foot utility boats differ in several ways from the pleasure watercraft usually produced by North River.
Comment: Stop Your Gas Bill From Rising 180%! The Motley Fool
It's not unreasonable for utility companies to charge more in winter and less in summer, or even to try to average it out. Neither practice is unusual.
A camera on a cop KableNET
They are taking part in a five day Metropolitan Police pilot named Operation Aventail, beginning on 20 November 2006, in the Haringey area. The cameras are the size of an AA battery, and can be mounted on police headgear to record digital images to a special utility belt.
Imported Models Deemed Safest Vehicles Hartford Courant
Imported models took all 13 spots on the U.S. insurance industry's list of safest vehicles this year, due mainly to a new requirement that all cars and sport utilities on the list have systems to keep them stable in an emergency.
SidewinderX Traces and Reports spam Email The Mac Observer
Hendrickson Software Components announced the immediate availability of SidewinderX on Friday. SidewinderX is a spam tracing and reporting utility for Apple's Mail application
News Corp. Accused of Hush Money Offer Hartford Courant
The O.J. Simpson book saga took another twist Tuesday when his former sister-in-law, Denise Brown, accused the media company behind the project of trying to buy her family's silence for "millions of dollars."
Suntech Power Reports Third Quarter 2006 Financial Results PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. , one of the world's leading manufacturers of photovoltaic cells and modules, today announced total net revenue for the third quarter 2006 of $163.0 million and net income for the same quarter of $28.7 million, or $0.19 per diluted American Depository Share .
Met police to do the beat with head-mounted cameras The Register
ASBO crackdown Police officers in London have begun to use a camera mounted on their headgear in an effort to tackle anti-social behaviour.…

Software - Software per internet, aziendali e banche dati
Pegasus Mail, Fantastico programma di gestione E-Mail, considerato uno dei migliori programmi per la gestione della posta elettronica.
Software - Mail-it, programma per l'invio elettronico di e-mail
ISP - SOFTWARE - Archivi di siti web aziendali italiani, portale internet. Software scaricabili gratuitamente, Banche dati, provider fornitore di servizi
Essai - @Direct - Software per e-mail marketing
Il lancio viene guidato passo per passo, l'utente definisce quale email inviare, a chi, effettua un lancio di prova e quando tutto é pronto lancia l'email
Software email-marketing
Per fidelizzare i propri clienti, non basta inviare qualche email, Arriva la nuova versione del software di email marketing per inviare le vostre
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Splendido programma per email (tipo Outlook Express), ormai da anni nella mia 10 Top Magic Shareware. Descriverne i vantaggi è abbastanza semplice,

Software email-marketing
Per fidelizzare i propri clienti, non basta inviare qualche email, Arriva la nuova versione del software di email marketing per inviare le vostre
Software - Mail-it, programma per l'invio elettronico di e-mail
ISP - SOFTWARE - Archivi di siti web aziendali italiani, portale internet. Software scaricabili gratuitamente, Banche dati, provider fornitore di servizi
Software email gratuito
Splendido programma per email (tipo Outlook Express), ormai da anni nella mia 10 Top Magic Shareware. Descriverne i vantaggi è abbastanza semplice,
Configurare i programmi per inviare e ricevere E-Mail
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Software per email marketing e per inviare newsletter
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Tutto Gratis - Giochi, Software, Musica, Foto, Video, Gratis!
Freevlog è un sito che contiene guide, programmi e risorse per creare un Trova qui le migliori offerte per avere un prestito alle migliori condizioni!
Essai - @Direct - Software per e-mail marketing
Email personalizzata per ogni destinatario; Possibilità di aggiungere allegati; Test di verifica; Archivio dei lanci effettuati e dei loro risultati
Un software per inviare le email direttamente alla stampante
Un software per inviare le email direttamente alla stampante Automatic Print Email è un programma in grado di connettersi direttamente ai server di posta,

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