latest in email and comment spam the spammers and spam seem to be multiplying faster than we admins can fight them off and although we're smarter (off up a better email system which means i should get back to work. wish me luck cos if i fail, i may just switch sides the new spam: jam job + spam = jam. a couple weeks back i was enjoying a cup of coffee with yet another unusually smart (but in this case nice) person - guy lundy. ‘cos i couldn’t give a stuff about a word doc anymore… on a theme edit: shrunk to one tile, cos it's slowin down my browser summit chronic. but yes, it tiles a treat now i am going to talk about spam. normally my gmail receives 20 i am done talking about spam now. i caught part of this show called fanatical like mean, cos she was saying how she has friends all over the world cos of well, retarded AND crabby cos i haven't eaten anything and for some reason inbound spam from your own domain email from me can check my spf entry to see if the email that says it is from me actually came from my server. cut down on spam, cut down on support calls, cut down on user confusion. now don't be sad. cos 2 out of 3 ain't bad is there room for a good samaritan in the face of the spam deluge today, i got an odd email. i first thought to dismiss it, but upon reading it i decided it was either the best crafted bit of spam, or an honest mistake. then i was faced with a decision: round-file it, or be a good samaritan and let competition time - can you find this picture? we are opening up our members link of the month competition onto our blog, cos spam has picked a bluddy hard on that no-one can get lol ok, the clue is a picture of two girls, one in black one in red, and they are sharing some kitty pic-spam hehe i had fun taking these pics. sorry for the blurryish ones, cos without flash that's what happens. but with flash, my cats look totally pissed off in the pics, cos of being blinded o_x upgrade notes makes more trouble for me that it does for you, really, and my spam count has actually gone up… cos spam that was slipping through the filters before—and still is—is now being held in moderation… along with every legitimate comment/tb Spam Makes My Day Seriously It makes me chuckle A couple of I've changed my avatar for the first time ever 'cos of you A pair of white panties and inviting thighs stared back at him And yes that's meit read Awww crap thought Flip hoping to God he hadn't deleted that pill spam.
PI: Spam: cos'è? Perché fa male? Punto Informatico è il più importante quotidiano italiano di informazione su Internet, informatica e comunicazione. Primo perché è nato nel 1995 e oggi Spin - InternetWorking | Antispam | Definizione 1 Per comprendere la definizione di spam su Internet data qui, è fondamentale capire a fondo che cosa costituisce una evidente ed esplicita sollecitazione a Spin - InternetWorking | Antispam | Che cos'è lo spam? Lo spam è la posta elettronica distribuita massivamente a numerosi destinatari che non hanno chiesto di riceverla, e costituisce uno dei Assistenza clienti - SMS Spam Ci stiamo adoperando per proibire l invio di spam via SMS da altri operatori. Pertanto vi invitiamo a comunicarci subito la Che cos'è lo SPAM SMS? Piccola guida antispam Se siete colpiti dallo spam, l'unica cosa che potete fare è cambiare indirizzo. Una volta che sapete da dove viene lo spam, cosa potete farci? Nulla. Aiuto - Abusi Mail - Spam: aiuto per email non richieste Quindi apparirà la nuova cartella Anti-spam, che funziona esattamente come le altre: clicca sul suo nome per aprirla, vedere i messaggi, decidere cosa farne Aiuto - Abusi Mail - Spam: aiuto per email non richieste Che cos'è lo 'Spam'? Lo spam è qualsiasi messaggio o annuncio che, a prescindere dal contenuto, viene inviato a più utenti che non hanno specificatamente People Mail - Spam, i provvedimenti Che cosa vuol dire Spam? Lo spam è definito come l'insieme dei messaggi elettronici non richiesti dal destinatario ed inviati dal mittente in più copie