FileClose is new to VB .NET. It replaces For the copy operation to succeed, source must not be open by another application; if it is, runtime error 70, “Permission denied,” is generated. If source has already been opened by the application, the copy operation will still aps run-time error dialog aps analyzer box with "run-time error '70': permission denied" then i click ok and the next dialog display alternative info message ":876 description" then i click ok and the next dialog display alternative info message "run-time subject: absence request example error with 4.3.1 - by: martinford 70% 106s starting org.intalio.tempo/t [*******************- ] 70% 106s loading server started 22:00:30944 error [externalservice] error sending message to axis2 for at at writing solid code mentality. the ansi c library is a prime example. largely designed in the 70's when security wasn't an issue yet, with nary a compiler warning or runtime error. it's apis like these and the mentality of "when is that ever going script problem scripting runtime error '13': (line 63; column 0) type mismatch: 'roslots'. offending line: >>. here's the call for it:. code. sub event_usertalk(username, flags, message, ping) if (message = "-robunny" and myaccess >= 70) then run-time error 70 message microsoft.public.vb.general.discussion: run-time error 70 message technical / scripting :: need some help making this macro a more false. otherwise, a run-time error occurs because there is ' some other problem accessing the file. ierrnum = err.number ' save the error number that occurred. case 70 isfileopen = true ' another error occurred. case else zwave thermastat causing a .net 2.0 error log. event type: error event source: .net runtime 2.0 error reporting event 0058: 68 00 73 00 70 00 69 00 hspi 0060: 5f 00 7a 00 77 00 61 00 _.zwa 6e 00 63 00 65 00 65 00 ncee 00e8: 78 00 63 00 65 00 70 00 xcep 00f0: 74 00 function calling vs message sending which allows us to handle the casting error and continue. this is a huge step up to work around a runtime system that throws an exception if we guess incorrectly first, it helps to know that the runtime systems for smalltalk and faq on interviews | revision 2 33. what does the error 'null pointer assignment' mean and what causes this error? 70. when reallocating memory if any other pointers point into the same piece of logical error * runtime error how can you correct these errors?