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The heart of the matter: Palestine in the world today Al-Ahram Weekly
The first time I visited Warwick was in the summer of 1985. I visited the Castle and as I walked through the State Rooms and the Towers, I was touched by sadness that what had been a real life, with ambitions and sorrows and loves, with continuity, had become -- merely -- a spectacle for tourists.
Too many terrorist plots to name, say MI5 The Scotsman
MI5 is now tracking so many suspected terrorists that it has run out of codenames for them.
Mashed Buddha: Subdue Your Mind RedNova
[Kirby] How would you describe your music?[John Corda] The short answer is drum 'n' bass and keyboards. I also like to think of it as electronica that doesn't take itself too seriously. Mostly it's a blend of wild musical ideas that constantly run through my head. I tame them with soothing words. The opening cut "Buddha Digs" is a crash and burn jungle number. Jungle to this writer is mainly old
The Power of Israel in the United States Middle East Online
Stephen Lendman reviews the latest book by James Pertas on the power of the Jewish lobby in America. The book documents the enormous influence of the lobby on US foreign policy which only serves the interests of Israel.

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