
Last Updated  21st mar 2003

°_° Finally I'm done with the upload, it took me forever to change the whole layout, but I hope it's worth the work ^_^ What do you think about the new version? Thinking back, 10 months ago I didn't know anything about html, so I'm happy with what I came out with, even if I know I can improve, a lot. I'll make this site better day by day, unfortunately I don't have much time (as you might have noticed) because the college I go to has nothing to do with computers, internet ... But then all the mails that I receive everyday, the contacts, the fans of this site really make everything simpler. I didn't thing BW would have gotten so popular, and this is thanks to all of you. Even if the work is hard and the time is not enough, you really helped me making this project and keeping it cool. Thank you, I really appreciate it.

... O god, am I getting too sentimental?