Predictions of the model

1. Emissivity laws

The radial dependence of the emissivity accounts for the local illuminating flux and incident angle; it depends on h (it steepens when h decreases because of the enhanced anisotropy of the primary emission) and can be approximated through functions of the form
e(r) = A r-B + C r-D. Plots of the computed emissivity vs radius, and best-fit coefficients for the approximating formula, have been presented in Martocchia, Karas & Matt (2000). It is easy to recognize (cp. Figure 2) that an emissivity law with ß ~   4, i.e. the one derived by Wilms et al. (2001), may be reproduced in our model with a small height of the primary source:

h ~   3rg.
For an emissivity law of this kind, the line profile results to be very broad and red-shifted (cp. Figure 3, and Martocchia, Karas & Matt, 2000, for details).

2. Line intensity and Compton reflection

Due to the high (relativistic) speeds of the disc matter at very low radii, the impinging photons as seen in the matter's frame arrive with high incident angles, and their energy is substantially blue-shifted. These effects further increase the amount of fluorescence and reflection.

For h ~   3m our model predicts:

EW ~   250-300 eV
R ~   4

which are consistent with the values found by Wilms et al. (2001).