% BiBTeX Sample Database @Preamble{ {\hyphenation{Post-Script Sprin-ger}} } @String{AW = {{Ad\-di\-son-Wes\-ley}}} @String{AW:adr = {Reading, Massachusetts}} @String{j-TUGboat = {TUGboat}} @InBook{Brown2000, author ={Brown, M. P. and Austin, K}, title ={The New Physique}, publisher ={Publisher Name}, address ={Publisher City}, year =2000, pages ={212--213} } @techreport{EVH:Office, author ={Eric van Herwijnen}, title ={{Future Office Systems Requirements}}, institution ={CERN DD Internal Note}, year =1988, month = nov } @Article{Felici:1991, author ={James Felici}, title ={{PostScript versus TrueType}}, journal ={Macworld}, volume =8,pages={195--201}, month =sep, year = 1991 } @inproceedings(Wang, crossref = {proc:Hamil}, author = {Wang, R.T.}, title = {Title of Chapter}, pages = {212-213}, ) @proceedings(proc:Hamil, booktitle = {Classic Physiques}, editor ={R. B. Hamil}, publisher ={Publisher Name}, address ={Publisher City}, year = 2000, MONTH = oct, ) @techreport{Knuth:WEB, title ={{The \textsf{WEB} System of Structured Documentation}}, month =sep, year = 1983, author ={Donald E. Knuth}, address ={Stanford, CA 94305}, number ={STAN-CS-83-980}, institution ={Department of Computer Science, Stanford University} } @phdthesis{Liang:1983, author ={Franklin Mark Liang}, month =jun, year = 1983, school ={Stanford University}, address ={Stanford, CA 94305}, title ={{Word Hy-phen-a-tion by Com-pu-ter}}, note ={Also available as Stanford University, Department of Computer Science Report No. STAN-CS-83-977} } @Article{Mittelbach/Schoepf:1990, author ={Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch{\"o}pf}, title ={{The New Font Selection --- User Interface to Standard \LaTeX}}, journal =j-TUGboat, volume =11, number = 2, pages ={297--305}, url ={http://www.latex-project.org}, year =1990 } @book(A-W:GMS94, author = {Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin}, title = {The {\LaTeX} Companion}, publisher = AW, address = AW:adr, year = 1994, pagenums = {560}, bibliography = {yes}, index = {yes}, isbn = {0-201-54199-8}, ) @Inproceedings{SJ:1999, title = {Load-Cycling in Cubic Press}, author= {C. D. Smith and E. F. Jones}, pages = {651-654}, booktitle ={Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-1999}, editor = {M. D. Furnish et al.}, publisher ={American Institute of Physics}, address ={New York}, year = {1999}, series ={AIP Conference Proceedings}, number = 505, } @Article{BrownAustin:2000, author ={Brown, M. P. and Austin, K.}, title ={{The New Physique}}, journal ={Appl. Phys. Letters}, volume =85, pages={2503-2504}, month =sep, year = 2000 }