III. The Iron Lines and Edge

Although the energy resolution is quite rough, in figure 1 it is already clear that both the line and the iron edge are progressively smoothed down with increasing inclination. This behaviour is in qualitative agreement with that obtained by Sincell (1998), who has considered the distortion of the Lyman edge (UV) in the Kerr metric and has shown that it would be detectable only at the lowest inclinations, that is for systems seen pole-on, and with the predictions of Ross et al. (1996).

This behaviour holds for both the static and spinning BH cases. As already emphasized by some authors (e.g. Martocchia & Matt 1996) possible tests for discriminating between the two situations could be based on the fact that the innermost stable orbit can lie much nearer to the event horizon in the case of a rotating hole - up to slightly over one gravitational radius (m) in the extremal Kerr case against 6m in the Schwarzschild case. If one assumes that the disc can efficiently re-radiate only in the stable-orbit regime, then very red-shifted features would be the imprint of photons emitted at extremely internal radii, therefore in an extreme-Kerr spacetime. Anyway, Reynolds and Begelman (1997) pointed out that the difference would be much smaller if efficient line emission is allowed from matter inside the last stable orbit. This can be of course the subject of specific calculations, which should anyway carefully consider the optical thickness and the ionization state of such free-falling matter.

In order to clearly see the above mentioned smearing effects we considered a narrower energy range (E=4-9 keV) which contains the most important iron features, i.e. the K  and K  lines, whose rest energies in the assumed "low" ionization condition lie at 6.4 and 7.07 keV respectively, and the iron edge (at 7.1 keV). The results can be seen in figure 3, where we used a logarithmic vertical scale in order to better see the features. Diagrams obtained in pseudonewtonian approximation [PN], that is neglecting redshift and curvature of spacetime, in which the lines and the edge can be easily recognized, have also been plotted (filled with yellow) to allow a comparison with the "emitted" spectra.

For an observer located pole-on the iron line is broadened and quite red-shifted because of the high potential well. This effect is more pronounced in the extreme Kerr situation, when the the stable (emitting) orbits can extend pretty near the horizon, and would be much clearer if different emissivity laws were used. It seems indeed quite difficult to discriminate between rotating and non-rotating BHs if ordinary emissivity laws are considered. Only spectra corresponding to situations in which a consistent amount of the flux comes from the innermost part of the disc, such those resulting from a very anysotropic illumination (e.g. Martocchia & Matt 1996), would clearly show the effect of BH rotation. This will be the subject of future work.

If one moves away from the rotation axis of the BH (symmetry axis of the system) the iron line acquires a double-peaked profile due to the Doppler shift of the radiation coming from opposite sides of the disc. The two horns become more and more distant and almost disappear together with the iron edge when the Doppler shift effect is extreme (observer located edge-on). This imprint of the inclination on the line and edge is also shown in figure 4, obtained in the extreme Kerr case. It can be seen that for intermediate inclination the "blue" peak is higher than the "red" one, as an effect of Doppler boosting on the radiation coming from the "approaching" side, which corresponds to the behaviour already noticed by all authors who calculated relativistic line profiles.

IV. Combined Effects

In the past years, expecially after a relativistic iron line profile has been observed in the Seyfert 1 galaxy MGC-6-30-15 (Tanaka et al. 1995), a lot of work has been performed in modelling line profiles of both static and spinning BHs. At this aim many physical and geometrical assumptions have been considered in order to take into account more realistic accretion models and to explain the line equivalent width [EW] issue (see among others: Karas et al. 1995, Martocchia & Matt 1996, Rybicky & Bromley 1997, Pariev & Bromley 1997, Reynolds & Begelman 1997).

Anyway, some auhors have already noticed that the iron line shown in the spectrum of MGC-6-30-15 - as well as its very peculiar profile during the spectral state of the source considered by Iwasawa et al. (1996) - have been derived from the data by subtracting a continuum which does not posses the broad trough due to the relativistic smearing of the iron edge. This has been the case for all similar observations up to now, so this is one of the reasons why we find particularly important to look for combined effects on the line and the continuum and possibly get line profiles after self-consistent subtraction of the underlying Compton-reflected spectrum.
Another reason for looking at combined effects is that the range of hypotheses in this field has grown in such a way that it becomes more and more difficult to use any peculiarity of the line profiles alone (equivalent width, broadness, relative horn heights,...) in order to get direct informations on the physics of the system (BH spin, disc physics, emitting radii, and so on) because the results of calculations show that analogous effects can be in principle produced by a variety of factors.