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Did Online Map Service Mislead Family?
The Map Room: A Weblog About Maps (about 15 hours): Were the Kims Led Astray by Online Maps? textually.org (about 7 hours): Did Online directions mislead James Kim Family; Fergie's Tech Blog (about 23 hours): Online Directions May Have
The mountains and online map services
"The message is you can only put so much faith in online map services. The free services can still be pretty crude, especially when you get outside of metro areas where the services have the most customers.
HIV and Malaria makes for a deadly combination
The map links data collected by population surveys to Google Earth's online map of the world. It has been 40 years since the last global map of malaria risk was constructed, and scientists hope it will enable them to estimate the risk
Three AU Online Map Classes for the Civil 3D User
GS33-2 The Magic of Display Maps. http://au.autodesk. com/sessions/civilandgeospatial/detail/16892/. AU Online papers and screencasts can be accessed using your Community Center Login. If you don’t have one, go to the links above and
City launched a new online map/info portal
City Map Portal Is Online By SEWELL CHAN Published: December 4, 2006 Officials have unveiled CityMap, a new feature on the city government’s Web site, at nyc.gov/citymap. The CityMap includes City Council district and Community Board
planiglobe - Online Map Creation
Just a few days ago, a friend asked me where to find a vector version of a certain country map. Hell, I’d love to know! It usually takes ages to come up with anything useful, and that usually isn’t free.
Calc 5: Online 3D Calculator
Andrew of the calc5 team has announced Calc 5, an online calculator that plots graphs. The tool uses canvas (or canvas emulation), and you can travel around the graphs a la Google Maps. With calc5 you can plot 2d and 3d graphs,
Seen the www sabi rock guy lately?
I’ve added two recent sightings already:. <a style=”display: none” mce_href=”http://communitywalk.com/map/23307″ xhref=”http://communitywalk. com/map/23307″>CommunityWalk Map - Go, Sabi Rock, Go!</a></div>
Online map linked to James Kim’s fatal turn
Directions given by online mapping services could have contributed to the death of journalist James Kim. “Authorities say the cyber-savvy family may have plucked the route from Grants Pass to Gold Beach from an online mapping service,
Online Map Tragedy
"However, they missed the turnoff [to take state Highway 42 over to the coast], consulted a map and decided to drive the 55 miles down Interstate 5 to Grants Pass. There they turned onto Bear Camp Road, which is lightly traveled even in
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