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Machine Translation (MT)
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generation5 - An Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Specifically, the machine is a natural language system that converses with human subjects. In the Turing's test, a human (the judge) is placed in one room,
How to Test your Internationalized Eclipse Plug-In
This is often unavoidable since the language lation may take weeks or months, depending on the amount of NL material, during which it serves little
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
In this case, the system-language test attribute should only include "en". <textstream src="movie-caps-nl.rtx" system-language="nl"
W3C Web Ontology (WebOnt) Working Group (OWL) (Closed)
OWL Web Ontology Language Test Cases W3C Recommendation 10 Feb 2004. Guus Schreiber, Ibrow schreiber@swi.psy.uva.nl (Co-Chair; intro); Shimizu Noboru,
Test Suites for Natural Language Processing Home Page
Test Suites for Natural Language Processing (TSNLP) aims at developing guidelines to create test suites for evaluation and testing of NL systems,
Language centres, addresses — Study in Holland
Internet: www.utwente.nl/test/en_info/education/study_facilities/language_courses/. Non-university language courses More information:
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano | Centre for Language Studies
Brain and Language: Psycholinguistic and neurobiological issues, "Il parlante occasionale e processi cognitivi: risultati di un test in situazione
RE: XML, NL, TestTalk, and formation libraries
What interests me in TestTalk isn't the language so much as test interface that it describes. I do like the idea of a simple high level NL test
XQuery Modules and their use for Canned Queries
module namespace test = "http://monetdb.cwi.nl/XQuery/Documentation/Language/Modules/"; declare function test:countDescendants($doc as xs:string) as en+language+language+nl+test: droger en language language nl test , en language language nl speed test , droger en language language nl test , en language language nl speed test , en+language+language+nl+test
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