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Site de l'Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe Pour établir la langue de lecture, il faut cliquer sur le drapeau de référenc
Western European Union - Union de l'Europe Occidentale
Security and defense alliance involving states throughout Europe
European Union - Unione Europea - Union Européenne - Europäische
eussor ce: c ittà e uropee - C ités e uropéennes - e uropean C ities: initiative for the ratifications and the fair application of the Constitution for Europ
EUROPA - Europe Direct
European Commission - This page provides information on the Europe Direct servic
USPID Unione Scienziati Per Il Disarmo
USPID Unione Scienziati Per Il Disarmo Welcome on USPID The Italian Union of Scientists for Disarmament (USPID, Unione Scienziati per il
Activités de l' Union des Théâtres de l'Europe : festivals
Association regroupant seize des plus importants théâtres européens, ainsi que des membres à titre privé. Présentation des activités et actualité
Union Tool Europe S.A.
Union Tool Europe S.A., the world leader in the production of cutting tools, linear motion products, and metal machining equipment
Elections in the European Union
Independence and Democracy IND/DEM 37 Union for a Europe of Nations UEN 27 Non-affiliated right-wing (VB/FN/AS/FT/FPÖ/LPR) n.i. 16 Non-affiliated others n.i. 1
Europe - Europa - Union européenne - Learning together !
Capitales, Drapeaux, Culture, Hymnes, Histoire ? Des activitis ludiques en ligne pour dicouvrir l'Union europienne
MIT - European Union
Ministro per l'Innovazione e le Tecnologie. Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri European Union. Introduction; e Europe; Framework Programmes; Other programmes; Links

"Europa > European Union > European Commission - External
All about the EU's foreign policies and Programmes - Provides comprehensive and user-friendly access to information about the European Union's external
carte Europe - Union Européenne - LEXILOGOS >>
carte de l'Europe des 25 pays : Union Européenne. cartes des pays et régions d'Europe (site de l'Union européenne). cartes actuelles & cartes routières
Toute l'Europe: le portail français sur les questions européennes
09/12/06 [B] Les activités du Cnseil de l'Europe du 11 au 17 décembre. Relatio. 09/12/06 [B] Union européenne: 30 000 substances chimiques bientôt testées
The European Broadcasting Union
Professional association of national broadcasters that negotiates and advocates for interests of public broadcasters in Europe.
EUCC - The Coastal Union
EUCC International. NW-Europe. Central Europe. Mediterranean Region. Biodiversity. Coastal Practice. EUCC Organisation · Kustvereniging EUCC-NL
European Union Internet Resources
Council of the European Union. Main decision-making institution of the EU, History of European Union. History of the EU integration process.
European Union - Committee of the Regions - Home page
The event, which takes place at the Committee of the Regions (Room JDE 51, 10:45-13:00), is organised by the CoR's Union for Europe of the Nations
Welcome to the DGV Homepage
Welcome to DGV at the European Commission. the URL of the DGV homepage has changed, http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg05/index_en.htm
Immagine:European flag.svg - Wikipedia
Flag of 1) Council of Europe. 2) European Union*. used by, 1) Council of Europe. 2) European Union. current since, 1) 1955. 2) 1986. created by
CIA - The World Factbook -- European Union
Features map and brief descriptions of the geography, people, government, economy, communications, portation, military and national issues. union+europe: europe european history recast union , paises de la union europe , europe european history recast union , paises de la union europe , union+europe
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