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Dairy Industry Milks Congress for All It's Worth
Back in April, Mother Jones reported that huge industrial farming companies, such as Dean Foods, were getting into organic milk—only to bend if not break the strict standards governing organic production while the USDA stood idly by.
Tom DeLay: Exterminator, HammerBlogger?
DeLay kicked off his blog with the bromide, "Over the course of my political life I have learned many things, one of which is that not all good ideas come from Washington, DC In fact I think that most of the best ideas come from
The Taliban Rules
The AP has found a list of rules the Taliban has put out for its fighters in Afghanistan (and possibly North Pakistan). A very creepy sampling:. - No. 9: Taliban may not use jihad equipment or property for personal ends.
No Room for Bundles of Alegría in New Orleans
The ethnic cleansing of African-Americans in New Orleans continues: Last week, the city made the controversial decision to tear down 4500 units of damaged public housing, leaving former residents with nowhere to go.
"We Are the Aroma of Jesus Christ"
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a watchdog group, has asked the Defense Department to investigate whether some Army and Air Force officers violated department regulations by appearing in uniform in a video to promote the
George Bush Proven Wrong on His Own Place in History, Gets Agitated
work more with allies and negotiate with adversaries on Iraq. Bush, Durbin said, "reacted very strongly. He got very animated in his response" and emphasized that he is "the commander in chief." Hahahaha. Love it. H/T Political Animal
Breaking News: Former Chilean Dictator Augusto Pinochet Dead at 91
Augusto Pinochet, the man who ruled Chile with an iron fist for 17 years and who defied all attempts to bring him to justice for the crimes against humanity that happened during his reign is dead. He had a heart attack a week ago,
Follow Up: Iraqi Refugee Problem Escalates Sunni-Sh'ia Conflict in
"But we do have a problem with someone proselytizing and being political." If Sunni-majority countries continue to antagonize the Shiite refugees in their midst, will the Shiites have anywhere to turn but Iran
Jails For Jesus: An Update
Today the NYT has a long piece on the status of taxpayer funded, faith-based programs aimed at captive audiences, like prisoners and rehab patients. That's a story that Mother Jones reported back in 2003, in Samantha Shapiro's piece:
NYC Sues More Out-Of-State Gun Dealers. Does This Mean
who relies on dems and moderates for his political power—sent out PIs wearing hidden cameras to try and make straw purchases at some 45 out-of-state dealers. The Post reports:. "They focused on shops where hundreds of guns have been

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The American Partisan - Political Commentary, News and Resources
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Aggressive-Voice.com - Political Commentary Done Right
Aggressive political commentary from a libertarian with hard opinions on everything.
We present political news fairly, truthfully and accurately from around the world that is sometimes underplayed in the mainstream press as well as news of
Political Commentary by Binyamin Zev Kahane
Political Commentary by Binyamin Zev Kahane POLITICAL PRISONERS. - Jews Don't Feel The Pain (2/96). - Update On Political Prisoners (4/96)
PopPolitics.com - Commentary on Popular and Political Cultures
Online magazine covering popular and political culture and their intersection. Commentary, features, discussion forum, and archives.
Cutting Edge Political Commentary The Razor
Political and economic commentary by a pro-American, pro-Military, and pro-Israel political scientist. political+commentary: political+commentary
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