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Baidu Vs. Google: The Battle for the Hearts and Searches of China's Web Surfers RedNova
By David Greising, Chicago Tribune Dec. 3--BEIJING -- In the village of Laishui, about 100 miles southwest of China's capital city, Li De Yin runs a small workshop that seems frozen in pre-industrial time.
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Before you flame me, Ruby is a beautiful language and I'm sure you can have a lot management, business, and the Internet on this site. For my day job,
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I've been dared to write a spec for our site that includes at least one per of business and academia threatens to diminish our language to the point
ESL Resources for Students
1-Language.com is a comprehensive ESL Site that has forums, Topics include Business English, letter writing, Medical English and student chit chat.
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Plain language is indispensable whether you are preparing a brief, writing a procedure, running a business, publishing a newsletter, managing a department,
Bad Language
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UML Profiles tailor the language to specific areas - some for business please contact webtech@omg.org This site is best viewed at 800x600 pixels with
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Joyo 96 - Understanding Written Japanese
This Kanji Study Group website teaches written Japanese language for free. Originally (in 1996) I set out to create a site focused on the Jôyô,
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