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Very high frequency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frequencies immediately below VHF is HF, and the next higher frequencies are known as Ultra VHF frequencies' propagation characteristics are ideal for
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Last Updated: 9.26.06. New Releases:. Richard Youngs and Simon Wickham-Smith 5 Years CD. Jack Rose Raag Manifestos CD Available Again
Ripetitori VHF-UHF-SHF in Italia
Mappa dei nodi PacketCluster in Italia suddivisi per regione.
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VHF - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
VHF: Very High Frequency Banda del espectro electromagnético que ocupa el rango de Cuando la propagación es favorable, es posible recibir señales VHF a
Très haute fréquence - Wikipédia
On appelle très haute fréquence (ou VHF, very high frequency en anglais) la bande VHF bande II : fréquence 88 à 108 MHz. Cette bande est réservée à la
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