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JVC sizes up double-d systems T3
JVC is showing off its bountiful pair. Of home cinema systems, that is.
Action/Thriller Film 'Adrenaline' Shot in One Take with JVC GY-HD100U PR Web via Yahoo! News
Wayne, NJ (PRWEB) October 31, 2006 -- Director/Producer/Writer, Robert Lynn successfully pulls off the longest continuous shot in American film history, Adrenaline, using a JVC Professional GY-HD100U.
Digital Television Penetration in Europe will Reach 69% by 2010 Broadcast Newsroom
JVC GY-X3U Camcorder (Rated by 12 users) JVC has finally broken the professional price barrier with the GY- X3U, a rugged high-performance S-VHS camcorder designed to serve in a wide range of field applications.
While the 42-inch LG 42LB1DR's unique built-in DVR will appeal to those who want to ditch the cable box, its disappointing picture quality and single-tuner DVR limit its appeal.
Americans Want Home Electronics for the Holidays SYS-CON Media
As American consumers prepare for the upcoming holiday shopping season, a new national survey spotlights the popularity of home electronics on individual and family wish lists.
More New Jersey News GlobeSt.com
Kevin Swill, president of Kushner Properties says the disposition was a strategic play for the company. The property’s amenities include a full-service cafeteria and 580 parking spaces.
HOT THREADS Digital Video Editing
(Broadcasting & Cable) _ The FCC is still scheduled to consider the AT&T/BellSouth at its open meeting Friday, but there will be another FCC meeting getting somewhat less attention.
Entertainment groups fear competition to local venues Newport Daily News
NEWPORT - Three local entertainment groups are opposing plans for a casino in West Warwick as part of a 20-member statewide group.
CBS Corp. ReportSlow Growtin Third Quarter Digital Video Editing
(Broadcasting & Cable) _ CBS Corp. reported a marginal increase in profit on slightly higher revenues of $3.4 billion due in large part to weak advertising in the radio and television divisions.
Honda's Element Gets the Drift BusinessWeek
Honda introduces the 500bhp Element-D for the growing competitive racing sport called "drifting"

[Milano] Produzione di apparecchiature per la videosorveglianza, monitor al plasma, camcorder e sistemi di editing. Area riservata ai rivenditori.
JVC Italia - Prodotti
Questi prodotti - malgrado la somiglianza di nome e logo - non sono fabbricati né commercializzati da JVC. In nessun caso JVC si riterrà responsabile per il
JVC Professional New Home
distributes a complete line of broadcast, professional and presentation equipment, including cameras, VTRs, editing equipment, D-ILA and LCD projectors,
JVC Deutschland - Home
Willkommen bei JVC, Impressum · JVC | Media Systems DD-8/DD-3/DD-1 Sophisti. Produkt-Highlights. LT-37M60ZU Super Deluxe LCD TV mit Clear Motion Drive,

JVC Professional New Home
distributes a complete line of broadcast, professional and presentation equipment, including cameras, VTRs, editing equipment, D-ILA and LCD projectors,
JVC Deutschland - Home
Willkommen bei JVC, Impressum · JVC | Media Systems DD-8/DD-3/DD-1 Sophisti. Produkt-Highlights. LT-37M60ZU Super Deluxe LCD TV mit Clear Motion Drive,
JVC prezzi JVC prezzo prodotti recensione forum italia
JVC prezzi JVC prezzo prodotti recensione forum italia : Tutti i nostri prodotti JVC. JVC è stata fondata a Yokohama, in Giappone, nel 1927 come società
JVC UK - Welcome
Welcome to JVC UK. JVC | Media Systems DD-8/DD-3/DD-1 Sophisti. Feature Product. HA-NC70 First ever bandless Noise-cancelling headphones. Ear-hook design.
JVC-The Perfect Experience
JVC数码摄像机、DVD、电视、扬声器带给您领先的科技、卓越的享受、一流的产品,伴随 您美好生活的非凡体验。
JVC Россия - Главная
Компания JVC (Victor Company of Japan, Limited и все компании, входящие в группу JVC) не несет ответственность в отношении продуктов, носящих знак MXJVC
JVC - 日本国際ボランティアセンター 国際協力NGO
国際協力NGOである日本国際ボランティアセンター(JVC)のウェブサイト。カンボジア、 ラオス、ベトナム、タイ、南アフリカ、アフガニスタン、パレスチナ、パキスタン、
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