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Since 1997 JAZZREVIEW.COM has been your jazz music connection to reviews of the hottest new jazz releases and so much more. JAZZ
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Jerry Jazz Musician
American civilization with jazz at its centerpiece, featuring interviews, short fiction, poetry, art, suggested reading. SEARCH What's Inside A Love Supreme
InterJazz The Internet Jazz Plaza Jazz Information
InterJazz The Internet Jazz Plaza jazz information about musicians, clubs, record labels, booking agencies, live Webcasts design and hosting of sites Jazz
A Passion for Jazz! Music History and Education
History of Jazz music origins, styles and musicians featuring webcasts, timeline, festivals, photos, guitar & piano chords, scal
The Heptune Classical Jazz and Blues Lyrics Page
These are jazz, blues, and other popular American music lyrics transcribed from recordings from the first half of the 20th centu
Elmhurst College Jazz Festival
Annual College Jazz Festival. The 38th Annual Elmhurst College Jazz Festival February 25, 26 and 27, 2005 Special Appearances Friday, February 25 Nicholas
Europe Jazz Network
EJN - Europe Jazz Network - Europe-wide association of producers and presenters of creative jazz and improvised musics UserID Password Home tours musicians
Jazz Connections - Your Interactive Guide to 50 Greats!
Welcome to Jazz Connections - An interactive cd-rom filled with fascinating facts on who played with whom, when, where and why!
Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame
Our Inductees | Test Your AL Jazz Knowledge | Educational Programming | Calendar of Events Membership | Jazz Awards | Jazz Mu
Jazzitalia HomePage
Offre news, articoli, eventi, lezioni online, annunci, link, mailing list, foto e la possibilità di pubblicare gratuitamente una propria pagina sul sito.
Italian Jazz Musicians
Interamente dedicato al jazz italiano e ai suoi protagonisti.
Jazz | All About Jazz Italia
All About Jazz: The Web's Ultimate Guide to Jazz. Informative and timely yet entertaining and fun, it offers all fans the opportunity to express their
JAZZIT » Ultime Notizie
JAZZIT è un bimestrale di musica jazz che nasce dall'esperienza maturata attorno alla pubblicazione de Il Gezzitaliano, rivista interamente dedicata al jazz
Jazz | All About Jazz
Offers monthly columns, active chat forum, and browsable archive including artists' profiles, photos, gigs, festivals, news, reviews, and interviews.
JAZZIT » Ultime Notizie
JAZZIT è un bimestrale di musica jazz che nasce dall'esperienza maturata attorno alla pubblicazione de Il Gezzitaliano, rivista interamente dedicata al jazz
Jazz | All About Jazz
Offers monthly columns, active chat forum, and browsable archive including artists' profiles, photos, gigs, festivals, news, reviews, and interviews.
Jazz Online
Online jazz magazine with articles about jazz artists, CD reviews, contests, artists Q&A, an introduction to jazz, archives.
Veneto Jazz
Informazioni sulla rassegna di concerti che si svolge a Bassano del Grappa (VI), e sul seminario in collaborazione con la New School University di New York.
Portale Casa del Jazz
"Il jazz e la musica classica: un matrimonio difficile". "Dal ragtime a Mozart andata e ritorno: quando il classico si fa jazz".
PESCARA JAZZ 2006 - XXXIV Festival internazionale del jazz
Informazioni sul festival della città abruzzese: archivio delle edizioni precedenti, rassegna stampa e programma.
Siena jazz
Organizza seminari estivi nella città toscana; informazioni sui corsi e le modalità di iscrizione.
Jazz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[edit] Overview. Jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong is a well-known jazz musician. This early proto-jazz music was done primarily by self-taught musicians.