Seeking to lift minority skiers Los Angeles Times Some resorts are trying to attract ethnic groups not usually tied to the sport, hoping to tap into a growing market. Ski resorts working to bring more minorities to the slopes Provo Daily Herald Ski resorts working to bring more minorities to the slopes By JULIANA BARBASSA Associated Press Writer HUNTINGTON LAKE, Calif. (AP) -- Skiers cut through a fresh dusting of snow, their skis hissing softly against the powder as they crisscross down the slopes, then grinding to halt at the icy base of the Sierra Summit resort where Richard Shimizu is taking a break. Bringing minorities to the slopes AP via Yahoo! News Skiers cut through a fresh dusting of snow, their skis hissing softly against the powder as they crisscross down the slopes, then grinding to halt at the icy base of the Sierra Summit resort where Richard Shimizu is taking a break. Richmond Lions induct new member The Steubenville Herald-Star RICHMOND — Phillip Flenniken was inducted into the Richmond Lions Club by past District Gov. Bill Alexander when the club held its monthly dinner meeting at Zalenski’s Restaurant in Wintersville. Ski resorts see minorities as great untapped market The Monterey County Herald Skiers cut through a fresh dusting of snow, their skis hissing softly against the powder as they crisscross down the slopes, then grind to halt at the base of the Sierra Summit resort where Richard Shimizu is taking a break. Ski Resorts Working to Bring Minorities to the Slopes KFSN-TV Fresno HUNTINGTON LAKE, Calif. (AP) -- Skiers cut through a fresh dusting of snow, their skis hissing softly against the powder as they crisscross down the slopes, then grinding to halt at the base of the Sierra Summit resort where Richard Shimizu is taking a break. Ski Resorts Want Minorities On The Slopes KGO-TV Bay Area Skiers cut through a fresh dusting of snow, their skis hissing softly against the powder as they crisscross down the slopes. Search for climbers will continue San Antonio Express News Aircraft will keep searching through this weekend for two leading Mexican mountaineers missing in the Himalayas, but efforts are hindered by severe weather. Climbers' kin still hopeful San Antonio Express News Well-trained pair are missing on a mountain in India. Local group wants to bring more minorities to mountains 9 News Denver DENVER - Organizers of a group called Alpino say that oftentimes out on the ski slopes, there are too much white and they are not talking about the snow.
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Soccorso Alpino Trento Sito ufficiale Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico del Trentino. L'organizzazione, le attività di prevenzione e una ricca galleria fotografica. Torino 2006 Sci alpino Sci alpino. Possibilità di ricerca:. Per Disciplina:. seleziona, Biathlon, Bob, Combinata nordica, Curling, Freestyle, Hockey su ghiaccio
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Soccorso Alpino Trento Sito ufficiale Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico del Trentino. L'organizzazione, le attività di prevenzione e una ricca galleria fotografica. Torino 2006 - Sci alpino Sci alpino. Possibilità di ricerca:. Per Disciplina:. seleziona, Biathlon, Bob, Combinata nordica, Curling, Freestyle, Hockey su ghiaccio Sentiero Alpino Calanca La descrizione, le foto, i punti di appoggio del sentiero svizzero che collega Santa Maria con San Bernardino. Museo tridentino di scienze naturali - Il giardino Botanico Alpino [Trento] Struttura sul Monte Bondone (altitudine m 1540) curata dal Museo tridentino di scienze naturali. Vengono date informazioni sulle visite, Campeggio Alpino - Albergo Baitone
E-mail: L'hotel Alpino ad Andalo in trentino, sull'altopiano della paganlla, ideale per vacanze in montagna e alpini e per famiglie e bambini, vicino alle dolomiti Caai - Club Alpino Accademico Italiano Promuove l'alpinismo di livello elevato di difficoltà su tutte le montagne del mondo.