Bush 'more of a threat than Kim Jong-Il' Three-quarters of Britons said Mr Bush presented a great or moderate threat to peace in the world, bested only by Osama bin Laden at 87 per cent. By contrast, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il was considered a threat to peace by 69 per Bush as Dangerous as Bin Laden: British Survey but runs the close in the eyes of British voters: 87 per cent think the Al-Qaeda he should be "proud" of outranked Kim Jong-il of North Korea and other In Britain, 69 per cent of those questioned say they believe US policy Save 10 Seconds per Post I came across a simple and very easy to install plug-in by Austin Matzko of Il Filosofo Blog. It works even if you changed the default to “general” as I did, or some other less obtrusive name. This is the 4 Step process: Get Java ITALIAN: Java è un player indispensiabile per il web e per il pc Utile per giochi, animazioni e tanto altro! \|-|/ ENGLISH: Java is for applications, games, animated greeting cards, screen savers, personal productivity products, A closed mind about an open world [Financial Times] Open Source, People are not only risk averse but also openness averse, writes James Boyle in his Financial Times column. “We are likely to undervalue the importance, viability and productive power of open systems, open networks and Canadians believe that Bush is the 3rd most dangerous person in with 73 per cent now telling EKOS that Washington had no justification for it. by North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, then Bush, Ahmadinejad and Nasrallah. Views in Israel were radically different, where only 9 per cent ranked Extension Update Wheat returns also are relatively high given a $3.75 per bu. wheat price. Wheat returns in northern IL are projected to be above soybean returns. Wheat and double-crop soybean returns exceed soybean returns in southern IL. John Howard greatest threatlet to world peace Bush bigger threat than Kim Jong-il: poll: The data: Britain's Guardian reports 69 per cent of Pommies think Bush is the world's Star poll Canadians at 62 per cent, and dear old Mexico's Reforma polls Mexicans at 57 per cent. Digital wellbeing and deglamorising choice [WorldChanging] Digital Wellbeing, “In our consumer experience, there are three things we value tremendously: choice, results and access,” writes Sarah Rich on “Each of these aspects feeds a cycle of spending, Transporting the Vatican Obelisk 'Questo è il disegno del tabernacolo di metallo dorato à fuoco per il Santissimo Sacramento collocato su l'altare posto sopra il Presepio di Christo nostro nella capella di N.' An 83 feet tall, 320 ton granite obelisk
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