
Interview to Yoko Ono

Digital Dish Diva says: Welcome to MSN Live! Tonight we are honored to present a very special chat event with Yoko Ono. We will be talking with Yoko about two of her CD's with John Lennon, "Plastic Ono Band" and "Double Fantasy." Yoko, welcomes to MSN Live!

Yoko Ono says: Hi! Long time no see.

Digital Dish Diva says: Yoko, we have thousands of questions for you so let's get started! Betlgrl Asks: My question for Yoko: Are there any songs that John recorded that haven't been heard by the public yet? If so, do you plan on ever releasing them?

Yoko Ono says: Yes, there are a few but they are not enough to make a strong CD so to be fair to John I want to wait and see where they will fit in. Recently I released one to "Double Fantasy," this was a song that was appropriate to release at this time so it was good we waited.

Digital Dish Diva says: ImagineJET Says: How do remember the time of recording "Double Fantasy"? - Jane in Honolulu

Yoko Ono says: I remember the recording to be extremely joyful, exciting, and it was really like we were starting over.

Digital Dish Diva says: gummeybare1 Asks: Still believe one of John's best songs was "Starting Over."

Yoko Ono says: Well I must say, yes, and each time I think about the song, it's a mixed feeling because we were just starting over, and you know what happened.

Digital Dish Diva says: Beatleguy65 Says: Where is John's first Rickenbacker guitar currently being displayed?

Yoko Ono says: It's either displayed in a museum in Japan or in Cleveland. I believe so. I don't know if it's really the first Rickenbacker. I would have to check the list and find out.

Digital Dish Diva says: butterscotch1111 Asks: Hello, I loved "Rising." Is there anything else in the works?

Yoko Ono says: That's very sweet. For this concert, suddenly a few new songs came to me. Also I picked up some things I could sing and there were some songs there, surprise, surprise, so I will probably be back in the studio this coming February.

Digital Dish Diva says: yokofan says: Are you currently performing? Where can I see you?

Yoko Ono says: I just performed about 3 days ago, I believe, or 5 in New York and I was very happy about it. I felt that I shouldn't be doing it once every 6 months because it's so hard on my voice it would be easier if I did it more frequently because I would get used to it.

Digital Dish Diva says: A lot of your fans here would love to see you!

Yoko Ono says: It's encouraging and I was thinking when I was making the album next February, I was going to go on a tour.

Digital Dish Diva says: apryldear Asks: If John was alive today, do you think you two would still be making albums?

Yoko Ono says: Oh definitely! We had tons of plans, you know. He's the kind of person that could not sit still.

Yoko Ono says: People in the neighborhood always saw John walking around, bright and happy. So he just wouldn't have been able to just be at home sitting.

Digital Dish Diva says: WWFAngel says: How long did it take to record "Imagine"? There is no other song like it!

Yoko Ono says: Well, I think "Imagine" is the kind of song that's a blessing and it came to John because he was kind of an incredible songwriter/singer and he was a person who could carry it so he was inspired to write it. I don't think it would be that easy to make another "Imagine."

Digital Dish Diva says: TubularMikey62 Asks: Hello,Yoko, and peace to you this season. How is Sean and what is he doing lately with his career?

Yoko Ono says: He's preparing his second album, meanwhile, going on tour. He just went to Brazil and other South American countries. He just goes around trying to have an experience of playing on stage, meanwhile preparing for his second album.

Yoko Ono says: Because Sean is so busy, I don't see him so often. (laughs)

Digital Dish Diva says: infinitelyme Says: I have a question for Yoko Ono. To Yoko Ono: I can't believe 20 years have passed since John's death. To what do you attribute your healing and ultimate personal growth after such a devastating loss?

Yoko Ono says: I think that my friends were very helpful and also the fans. I really appreciated the fans writing to me after John's passing. I was not used to getting fan mail to myself, it was usually to John or to us. There were tons of mail right after John's passing and I went to the office a week later, and saw all this mail and I thought "John can't answer them. He's not here." But the staff said "No! These are for you!" and I was totally surprised! They helped me a lot, thank you.

Digital Dish Diva says: seand7 Asks: Hello Yoko, I was wondering which of the albums you have recorded is your favorite?

Yoko Ono says: It's very hard to say which one. I remember all the ones I recorded with John, and I have attachments with them, especially "Double Fantasy." The recording I do with Sean "Rising" is very special for me too.

Digital Dish Diva says: Helen_squi Asks: I read that at your events and exhibitions you pay much attention to perfume. Can you comment?

Yoko Ono says: I don't understand what you mean by perfume, but sometimes if an incense around it maybe. Old Japanese incense that is kind of delicate--that doesn't stand out. When you go in the room and you just feel something. I'm also into flowers that also have a sweet scent.

Digital Dish Diva says: So, gardenias?

Yoko Ono says: Definitely gardenias!

Digital Dish Diva says: no3r Asks: How do you know when a "piece" is done, is presentable?

Yoko Ono says: Well you just know it. I don't know how to describe it really. It's like when you're doing a painting, how do you know when you're finished. It's just a feeling I think.

Digital Dish Diva says: vette270hp says: I have read that you are a very good business women, do you see yourself this way?

Yoko Ono says: I'm afraid I'm not a very good business woman and I was never a good business woman and I suddenly had to try and do business and it was very difficult for me. It mainly had to do with luck and focusing on it. When you really want to do it, then you can do it, but I would not call myself a good business woman really.

Digital Dish Diva says: AvuncularDaisy Asks: I have always been a great admirer of your fluxux works. Where are those works now displayed and what are you working on currently?

Yoko Ono says: Currently I just finished a show in New York, in Ubu Gallery with a new piece I had. After finishing the piece it's like I just had a baby, so could you wait until next year to ask that question? (laughs)

Digital Dish Diva says: Can you tell us about fluxux?

Yoko Ono says: It's not really painting, it's not sculpting either. It's anything to do with artwork, it could be painting or sculpture, it has to do with a sense of humor and a lot of fun. It's very avant garde.

Digital Dish Diva says: PlasticOnoGary Asks: "White Album"/"Plastic Ono Band" were the best albums of the 60's and 70's. You had a major influence on both. How does that make you feel, that some of the best music heard by man or woman was about you?

Yoko Ono says: Well I would not say it was really about me. (laughs) The thought that I was there when those albums were made, I felt very lucky that I was there, but I agree with you.

Digital Dish Diva says: PolythenePam67 Asks: Hi Yoko! I just wanted to say thanks for the reissues. It's great for people like me who were still 'in the sky' when they were first released.

Yoko Ono says: I had that in mind. I felt if the old fans already had the record/CD would be scratchy and new fans would love it for the first time. Thank you very much for saying that.

Digital Dish Diva says: namahageichi Asks: Have you heard the song by the Bare Naked Ladies "Be my Yoko Ono"? If so, how did you respond to it when you first heard it?

Yoko Ono says: (laughs) I appreciate a sense of humor so I thought that was great!

Digital Dish Diva says: clevelandkraz says: I just spent 2 evenings @ the R&R Hall & Museum reviewing the Lennon exhibit. I just want to thank you for all the hard work, tears, and artifacts that you donated for the exhibit to exist. Thank you for sharing John with us.

Yoko Ono says: That's very nice of you. I feel that my effort was worth it, that you enjoyed it and I hope you do. I really worked hard on it.

Digital Dish Diva says: JealousGuy says: What did "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" really mean?

Yoko Ono says: (laughs) LSD. No that's a joke. I think that was Julian, he was a little boy and said that's "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and he thought that was so cute! So John used that as a title. People saw "L" for Lucy "S" for Sky and "D" for Diamonds and thought LSD. (laughs) But it wasn't, it was just a beautiful thing that Julian said. So he used it for the title.

Digital Dish Diva says: Billionth_Bard says: Dear Yoko, after such a love filled album like "Double Fantasy" it is my opinion that the next record by you and john would have some of his much loved political commentary. What do you think?

Yoko Ono says: I think that we did express our position in terms of politics very clearly and we thought that we did that one and we don't have to express it anymore. We even showed how you could express it as an artist, etc. so people could keep on doing it. I don't think John wanted to make any more waves on that level. He did make waves, as you know.

Digital Dish Diva says: lennonlove99 Says: What artists do you think John would be listening to today if he was still with us? Who did he listen to before he was taken from us?

Yoko Ono says: He was always listening to radios, especially late night radio so he was getting everything. It was right on the edge of things, that's how he was in terms of listening to the new music, he's always there. I think he would have jumped the opportunity of doing something now. Maybe he would be the first white rapper. (laughs) In fact many of the songs he wrote were very expressive in a rap way, so you know. . .

Digital Dish Diva says: fabulous says: Hi Ms. Ono. Will you be doing any more TV appearances? You were great on "Mad About You."

Yoko Ono says: That's so sweet. Right now, I'm just intent on going into the studio to make the next album. Before that I will round up all the business stuff that I've been too busy to do this year with my 60th birthday and the 20th Anniversary, etc.

Digital Dish Diva says: Elizabethchase Says: What aspect of your life right now makes you the happiest?

Yoko Ono says: This is what I learned from life: Life is not always easy. Sometimes you feel like you're surrounded by enemies, difficult suggestions, and you feel like you're alone. I'm sure all of us have experienced that. What I try to do, nothing special, but once every day try and do something that would make my heart dance. If I can't even do that, I try and do something that will make someone else's heart dance. It doesn't have to be anything special, it can be from looking at a beautiful blue sky, smell a flower, or just run around. Just running around is a blessing. Also doing something that makes someone's heart dance, you don't have to do something special. Call a friend you haven't for awhile. If you do that for a few months, you'll find that you aren't depressed. So when people ask me why I'm happy now it's because I find happiness in very small ways. We have to do that for our health and for our sake and I hope you will do the same.

Digital Dish Diva says: It's beautiful that you see joy in everyday life!

Digital Dish Diva says: In_The_Pool Says: Do you feel that John is remembered for the man he really was, or rather for what he appeared to be onstage and in public?

Yoko Ono says: He was one artist who did not separate when he was on stage and when he was in public and when he was having a private life. He shared his private life, he didn't tell just good things that were happening, he would say "I made this mistake" or "this was not right" and I think that was beautiful. I don't see artists that are like that now. He was true to a fault in that sense and I think that helped many people. The sad thing is that some people think that was publicity, don't be confused by that, just believe in what he said because that's where you get the energy, not from the people that just want to destroy what he was trying to do. But from his words, I think you'll get inspiration from it.

Digital Dish Diva says: joey_tea0 Asks: For Yoko Ono: It has been said that you are a follower of Aristotle. Do you consider yourself an Aristotelian and why?

Yoko Ono says: I don't consider myself anything. (laughs) I don't label myself like that, but I respect Aristotle, he was a genius and some people are starting to understand that some of the things he said were right.

Digital Dish Diva says: BackSteve2000 Asks: Yoko, first let me say it's an honor to speak to you. John used to wear a leather necklace with what looked like two eyes on it. What was it?

Yoko Ono says: They were not eyes, they were beads.

Digital Dish Diva says: childofnature67 Asks: Ms. Ono, thank you so much for keeping John Lennon's legacy strong by giving us fans the treasure that is the Lennon Anthology. How do you feel that we as Lennon fans can best honor John's life and spirit?

Yoko Ono says: By making your life worth while for yourself. By getting encouraged and inspired so you can have the kind of life you would be proud of. John would be very happy about that.

Digital Dish Diva says: maggie Asks: Ms Yoko, is there a chance that there is still some unheard music of John that you would consider to be published?

Yoko Ono says: Yes, there are some songs that were not put out yet, but there's not enough for a CD or maybe enough, but not strong enough for a CD. So, I think each song I will be very careful on how to put it out and I will seize the occasion to put it out. When I say not strong, there's not a certain theme.

Digital Dish Diva says: Bilateral_Genie Asks: How often did John Lennon create a new song and did he bounce ideas off you?

Yoko Ono says: Because we were both very kind of active people, of course we would inspire each other. I think living together does it. I think just being together helped each other.

Digital Dish Diva says: scrapbandit says: "Imagine" is such a great ideal. Do you think it can ever be achieved?

Yoko Ono says: Yes, I think so and it's already there, we just don't see it, or refuse to see it. A lot of the things said in "Imagine" are happening.

Digital Dish Diva says: feisty793 says: Will there be a memorial service this year in Central Park?

Yoko Ono says: I'm sure there will be. There's one every year. The fans will go there. I'm usually in my apartment watching over, and I usually light a candle saying "I'm with you."

Digital Dish Diva says: JMPar_1 Asks: Good evening and thank you for your time with us. When do you remember John the most and what causes those memories to be brought to up?

Yoko Ono says: I remember John all the time, especially because I'm still working on John's work, to bring John's work out into the world in the right way. So I'm doing something every day and in a way I feel like our partnership is not over yet.

Digital Dish Diva says: Yoko, it has been our honour to host this very special event with you this evening! We look forward to hearing about your future projects!

Yoko Ono says: It was my pleasure too. Let's all have a beautiful future together. That's something we are going to create together. By thinking about each other and just sending love messages to each other, when you send a love message, they actually get it. You don't have to say it out loud, just say it in your mind and they get it. We've found out we're much wiser than we thought. So keep sending love to each other and let's create a force of healing the world, and I think we can do it together!

Digital Dish Diva says: The reissues of "Plastic Ono Band" and "Double Fantasy" are now available! Pick them up today!

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