Stelle & Strisce
Laboratorio fotografico per sviluppo e stampa. Servizi fotografici e lavorazioni
digitali. Descrizione...
Affordable Walt Disney World Vacation
Sells online guidebook which features tips and strategies for saving money on
accommodations, dining,...
She is familiar with all of our deals and handles all of our members' reservations at no extra charge! Frequently Asked Questions Are you recommending a cheap vacation like those I read about in books where you sleep in a cheap motel miles away from Disney World, eat cheese sandwiches in your room, and buy Disney t-shirts from the local department store as souvenirs? That's doesn't sound like a magical Disney vacation to us! Our plans include resort hotel accommodations and dining at restaurants and eateries on Disney property; ticket, airfare and car rental discounts from top-of-the-line providers; and clearance prices on authentic Walt Disney World merchandise! And no timeshare pitches, either! I'm not sure how to arrange my affordable vacation myself.
Sticker Giant
Assortment of stickers include sports, christian, humor and political.
About Theme Parks and Amusement Parks
Directory of related links, feature articles, newsletter, and bulletin board.

Photo by thumbs.ebaystatic.com
San Diego Automotive Museum
General information, hours, admission, location map, history, exhibits, membership,
and links to local...
one of many fabulous prizes, including: Radiator Springs Posters, CARS T-Shirts, and Enter our Raffle for the Grand Prize - Fast Talkin' Lightening McQueen.
Microsoft vs. Disney
Parody news story of a trademark violation.
Wikipedia - Toy Story
Box office information, plot summary, cast, and characters.
Kids Bedding ,Toddler Kids Bedding ,Childrens Bedding , Baby Bedding
Bedding and decor, toys, backpacks, and baby products.

Photo by dts.ystoretools.com
Disney Info Page Information on resorts, theme parks, water parks, and restaurants.
All Aboard Toys, LLC Featuring licensed character products including books, bedding, clothing, and videos.
Thomas $6.97 T-shirt Sale! Shop by Category: SITE FEATURES CUSTOMER SERVICE ACCOUNT STATUS (c) Copyright 1999 - 2006 - .
Strawberry Shortcake Central
Offers Strawberry Shortcake collectibles including dolls, clothing, lunchboxes,
videos, Care Bears,...
Multinational Monitor 1996 - The Ten Worst Corporations.
Annual list.
Features photos of cars. Includes sports, exotic, muscle, classic, 1950s, 60s and 70s.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Plot Summary.
After shaking his dried-up fountain pen, he sprays the ink from it all over Valiant's shirt, causing Eddie to ask: "You think that's funny?" The prankster giggles at the sight ("It's a panic!") and is unperturbed by Valiant's anger: "Now, calm down, son, will ya? Look, the stain's gone.
No hard feelings.." Valiant looks down at his spotless shirt - he already knows the silly geezer with the urge to play practical jokes: "Marvin Acme, the guy that owns Toontown - the Gag King." [Acme had bought Toontown with the fortune he had made selling gags and novelties to the cartoon studios.] Acme responds: "If it's Acme, it's a gasser." To disperse hard feelings, Acme shakes Eddie's hand - with an electric hand buzzer that shocks Eddie all the way up his arm.
The Orlando Jeep Club of Florida
Family oriented club with monthly meetings, trail rides, socials,show-n-shines,
and swap meets.
Nan Magazine
Amusing bits of information.
Joey the Film Geek
Current and past reviews, commentary on cinema, and top ten lists.
Attachment Parenting
Weblog about attachment parenting written by an attachment parenting couple with
three kids. Lots...
Who buys this stuff for their kids? Linda and I were in Target this afternoon and were appalled to see children's shirts with slogans like "Cuter than you" and "Isn't it cute that you think I'm listening".
NEDRA: National Electric Drag Racing Association
A coalition aimed at increasing public awareness of electric vehicle (EV)
performance and to encourage...
We still have some T-shirts left so contact Chip Gribben at for more information.
From Off the Streets of Cleveland Comes Harvey Pekar
Official website. Blogs by Harvey, wife Joyce Brabner, and Danielle; links to
news, interviews, and...
He gave me one to hold and in no time, it was crawling affectionately over my chest, burrowing into the crevasses of my shirt and licking my hand playfully.
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