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    Vector and Scalar Parallel Supercomputers
    pictures and information about scalar and vector parallel supercomputers. I'm not sure why I list this computer here on the supercomputer page.
    digg - NASA Columbia Supercomputer pictures!
    Columbia Supercomputer pictures with descriptions. I have shot parts of a film at the nasa super computer facility, very cool place.
    NAS Division Images
    Collection of photos and computer-generated scientific visualization images from the NASA COLUMBIA SUPERCOMPUTER + Highlights · + Scientific Projects
    The Distributed ASCI SUPERCOMPUTER (DAS)
    DAS (Distributed ASCI Supercomputer) is a wide-area distributed cluster designed by Below are several pictures of the original 64-node cluster of the VU
    Super Computing 2000
    Remember, super computer systems will never be made up of one big, really fast CPU. writes in a comment or two about the SC2K NOC picture I took.

    Super Computing 2000
    Remember, super computer systems will never be made up of one big, really fast CPU. writes in a comment or two about the SC2K NOC picture I took.
    Big Picture | IBM details Blue Gene supercomputer | CNET News.com
    The Big Picture: IBM details Blue Gene supercomputer. Big Blue sheds light on a program to create the world's fastest supercomputer, illuminating a
    Photos: The world's fastest supercomputer | CNET News.com
    The world's fastest supercomputer. June 22, 2005 7:42 AM PDT. Sixteen racks of IBM's Blue Gene/L supercomputer can perform 70.7 trillion calculations per
    Picture of Super Computer
    65536-processor connection machine - a super computer.
    MPR: Super-computer Industry May be Poised for a Comeback
    Minnesota's history of building the fastest and most powerful computers in the world dates back to the early 1960s. The supercomputer industry fell on hard
    ABC News: Methane Burps and Heat Waves: Global Warming Made Visible
    One paints a remarkable picture of the output of an immense supercomputer hidden in the basement of a futuristic government building in the foothills of the
    Michael's Pictures :: Cray Supercomputer Pictures
    Cray Supercomputer Pictures. 37 images in this album on 2 pages Gallery: Michael's Pictures navigate UP Album: Neat Engineering Stuff navigate UP
    Talk by Anand Babu on Thunder Super Computer
    ILUG-BOM : Picture Gallery; Talk by Anand Babu on Thunder Super Computer He talked about design and development of Thunder Super Computer and its :::
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