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    The Complete Malware Prevention, Protection, and Removal Guide is up-to-date as well. Network: Some malware will spread through a Network. Let’s say you have a few computers on a home Network and one computer gets a worm that is capable of spreading through your Network. computers that are simply on your home Network can catch
    Wireless Network Security for Home Users you will need this to set up encryption on each of your computers that will use the wireless network. 4. Disable broadcasting of your SSID . By default, the SSID (your wireless network’s name) is broadcast to anyone with a wireless network card. Although this makes
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    Wireless Network Security for Home Users you will need this to set up encryption on each of your computers that will use the wireless network. 4. Disable broadcasting of your SSID . By default, the SSID (your wireless network’s name) is broadcast to anyone with a wireless network card. Although this makes

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    This tutorial will explain how to set up a small computer network for file and printer sharing using NetBEUI. It can also be used as a troubleshooting guide
    Information on setting up a local area network. Includes general guides, how-to sections, news, and reviews.
    Set Up a Simple Network - WorldStart Computer Tips and Computer Help
    With a home network, each computer in the network may have access to every Here is how to set up a simple home network between two computers using a DSL
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    Computer networks fall into two main types: client/server networks and (If you are setting up a peer-to-peer network, you typically don’t have to worry
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    This guide explains the setup of a router for home computer networks. Network routers are designed to be installed quickly, but several problems can occur
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    So when you start assigning static ip addresses, you need to assign a static ip address for every computer on your network. Setting up a static ip for
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