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    Software Free discussion lately within the computer security/internet security community regarding the strong possibility of a terrorist attack done via remote controlled computers. The potential is very real, and this is most likely the reason homeland security is publicly speaking out
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    2006 August discussion lately within the computer security/internet security community regarding the strong possibility of a terrorist attack done via remote controlled computers. The potential is very real, and this is most likely the reason homeland security is publicly speaking out
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    CERIAS - Center for Education and Research in Information
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    This page contains links to the different NIST Computer Security all sectors of the economy depend upon information systems and communications networks,
    Title Index
    System Concepts · Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems Proceedings of the 15th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference

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    Consequently, most computer systems cannot be made secure even after the application of extensive "computer security" measures. Furthermore, if they are
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    CSE Building, University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering Some of our systems/networking/security alumni: Gary Nutt (1972,
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