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    Lesson: 2: Parts of a Computer: EZ Tutorials on Computers by FoDOweb
    The Parts of a Computer. downkey.gif (682 bytes) Press this key to move down the page. The computer in front of you should look something like this picture.
    Techlearning > > Interacting With Computer Parts > April 1, 2005
    (giving them the function of the part I would like for them to identify). On the whiteboard were pictures of computer parts. I chose a person to go to the
    Education Center Activity: Getting to Know Your Computer
    Tell children they can use these words to fill in the missing labels in the picture below. Then point out each computer part in the diagram.
    What In The Computer Puzzle? Look at the pictures and Identify
    A picture puzzles for your family to enjoy. Look at each of the pictures and try to identify what computer part or accessory it is.
    Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery: The Computer Collection
    The Computer Collection contains an assortment of digital photomicrographs illustrating the various parts that may be found in everyday computers.

    Techlearning > > Interacting With Computer Parts > April 1, 2005
    (giving them the function of the part I would like for them to identify). On the whiteboard were pictures of computer parts. I chose a person to go to the
    Education Center Activity: Getting to Know Your Computer
    Tell children they can use these words to fill in the missing labels in the picture below. Then point out each computer part in the diagram.
    What In The Computer Puzzle? Look at the pictures and Identify
    A picture puzzles for your family to enjoy. Look at each of the pictures and try to identify what computer part or accessory it is.
    Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery: The Computer Collection
    The Computer Collection contains an assortment of digital photomicrographs illustrating the various parts that may be found in everyday computers.
    Basic part of a computer motherboard - Computer part and its
    part their Part of a computer system Part of a computer unit system: Computer part online Computer repair part Computer new part repair york Picture of
    Computer Parts / Vocabulary
    IT'S ABOUT: View a big digital picture of a computer and its parts. Below the picture are words of computer parts to find in the picture. Below
    In this picture the HD is connected to the power supply and the motor is spinning. There are many variations on the computer parts you could use,
    Technology Stock Photos : Computer Circuit Board, Computer Card
    Computer Circuit Board, Computer Card. Original Stock Photography from Acclaim Keywords: art print, art prints, clipart, clip art, picture, pictures, :::
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