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Computer Technology Opens a World of Work to Disabled People - New
Computer Technology Opens a World of Work to Disabled People. George Frey for The New York Times. Steven Singley, 41, a quadriplegic, answers calls for
Techlearning > > Smart Tools: Making Technology Work > June 15, 2004
With experience in both business and the classroom, New Jersey's Mark Leung math and computer skills, with additional responsibilities for technology
Techlearning > > Smart Tools: Making Technology Work > June 15, 2004
With experience in both business and the classroom, New Jersey's Mark Leung math and computer skills, with additional responsibilities for technology
CNN.com - Technology - New strain of virus hits computer e-mail
SANTA CLARA, California (CNN) -- A new strain of computer virus written in the same computer programming language as the "Love Bug" virus has struck several
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However, computer-guided weaponry of all kinds, from precision-guided munitions In addition, technology creates a new aspect of art in popular culture,
Wired News: This Is a Computer on Your Brain
A new brain-computer-interface technology could turn our brains into automatic image-identifying machines that operate faster than human consciousness.
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