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    Information Technology History - Outline
    Characterized by a principal technology used to solve the input, processing, Stan Augarten, BIT By BIT: An Illustrated History of Computers (New York:
    The History of Computers, Communicications, Space, and Technology.
    History and timeline of computer, communications, and technology development.
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    A Very Shory History of Computer Ethics - The Research Center on
    The Wiener-Maner-Górniak point of view sees computer technology as ethically revolutionary, to Computer Ethics > A Very Short History of Computer Ethics
    A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology
    By "HCI technology," I am referring to the computer side of HCI. A companion article on the history of the "human side," discussing the contributions from

    A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology
    By "HCI technology," I am referring to the computer side of HCI. A companion article on the history of the "human side," discussing the contributions from
    Computing History Timeline
    and computer technology. Timeline research by Bob Carlson, Angela Burgess, Bell Laboratories. The Computer Museum. IEEE. Annals of History of Computing
    History of Computing Information
    Information about the history of computing, assembled by Mike Muuss for your of ENIAC and the 50 years of Computer Technology that have followed.
    The History of Computers - Computer History Timeline
    A history of computers and the inventors involved with each computer invention milestone - a timeline with detailed history features.
    World History Archives: History of Computer Technology
    World History Archives: History of Computer Technology.
    Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Information Technology
    National Museum of American History's Chip Collection · From Carbons to Computers: The Changing American Office · Computer and Technology Courses from The
    Eric Kuehnl's Writing Page: A Brief History of Computer Music
    Like many composers throughout music history, Varese was tired of the tonal, "The lure of computer technology has been its potential to analyze
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