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    As a computer service technician, you should:. have a thorough knowledge of networking and operating systems, hardware and common software
    Computer Service Technicians
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    Assisting PC users is the work of the computer service technician. Computer service technicians may opt to go into one of the many areas in manufacturing.
    DiversityWorking : Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine
    Computer Service Technician Field repairers of ATMs may advance to bench technician positions responsible for more complex repairs.
    Career Profile: Computer Service Technician - Youth Central
    Profiles the role and duties of a computer service technician including a typical work day, the pros and cons of the job, typical career paths and tips for

    Career Profile: Computer Service Technician - Youth Central
    Profiles the role and duties of a computer service technician including a typical work day, the pros and cons of the job, typical career paths and tips for
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    Graduates from this program have found employment as:. • Computer Service Technician. • Computer Support Specialist. • Service Support Specialist
    Welcome to CompTIA - The Computing Technology Industry Association
    Global IT trade association promoting industry standards, growing professional expertise, and providing IT skills education.
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