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    Computer Science Seminars
    Our plan is to organize computer science seminars whenever we have the occasion to. If you would like to give a computer science seminar here,
    Seminars in Computer Science, University of Liverpool
    The following seminars will take place in the Seminar Room (Room G.12, 2nd floor, Department of Computer Science University of Leicester UK, F. Wolter
    Computer Science Research Institute - Seminar Series, Sandia
    Computer Science Research Institute - Seminar Series Science Research Institute (CSRI). The vehicle for information exchange is the CSRI Seminar Series.
    Computer Science Seminars - General Information
    The Computer Science Seminar is the main forum for talks of general interest The Computer Science seminars are held (almost always) on Mondays at 2:30PM
    SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/Carnegie Mellon University
    HCII Seminar Series Ben Shneiderman, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Maryland Creativity Support Tools: A Grand Challenge to Enhance Human Capabilities,

    Computer Science Seminars - General Information
    The Computer Science Seminar is the main forum for talks of general interest The Computer Science seminars are held (almost always) on Mondays at 2:30PM
    Research Events
    For other regional activities, please see The Midland Universities' Computer Science Seminars: a list of CS seminars organised at neighbouring universities.
    Computer Science Department
    The Department of Computer Science at the University of Auckland is the largest and most Seminars - seminars from staff, students and visitors.
    Computer Science Events
    The University of Manchester, School of Computer Science. The School Seminar Series runs every Wednesday afternoon during teaching and is organised by
    Moshe Sipper, Seminar in Computer Science
    Seminar in Computer Science. Semester A, 2001-2002 This elective course will be given as a seminar, wherein students give talks on research topics
    COMP 6961 - Graduate Seminar in Computer Science
    Graduate Seminar in Computer Science (1 credit) Students will have to attend a selected set of departmental seminars and submit a comprehensive report
    Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh: Computer Science Research
    Welcome to the Computer Science department's seminars page. It lists past, current and future seminars hosted by the department. If you would like to give a
    University of Namur Computer Science Seminar UMTS traffic classes and for four user profiles with the help of a computer testbed emulating the UTRAN.
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