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    Resources of Scholarly Societies - Computer Science
    This is one of a set of subject pages in the Scholarly Societies Project Links to websites of scholarly societies in Computer Science are given below.
    MCS home page
    Argonne allocates LCRC computer time research groups whose work reflects the mission Through World-Class Science Projects in the division range from
    Science News for Kids: ScienceFairZone: Topics
    Looking for a topic for your science project? Perhaps something in the Biometrics: Can computer systems for recognizing human motion be used to counter
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    Japanese Scientific and Technical Information. The JapanCS Project is dedicated to increasing the visibility and availability of Japanese science and
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    UW CSE "Capstone Design Course" Video Collection
    An overview of the UW Department of Computer Science & Engineering, featuring student projects and interviews with regional technology and education leaders
    MSc Computer Science projects: Notes for students
    MSc Computer Science Projects: Notes for Students, Oct 2005 The College has never exercised this right in respect of any MSc Computer Science project,
    Third year projects in Computer Science
    The University of Manchester, School of Computer Science.
    CSTR -- Computer Science Technical Reports
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    Department of Computer Science
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    DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
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    Centers and Projects You can now request copies of the Women@SCS Computer Science Brochures. Contact: cfrieze AT cs.cmu.edu and indicate the level
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