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local area network: Definition and Much More From Answers.com
local area network (LAN), a computer network dedicated to sharing data among several single-user THIS COPYRIGHTED DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
network: Definition, Synonyms and Much More From Answers.com
To broadcast over a radio or television network. Computer Science. To connect (computers) into a THIS COPYRIGHTED DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
What is local-area network? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia
This page describes the term local-area network and lists other pages on the Web Enter a word for a definition or choose a computer category.
Definition: computer network
computer network: 1. A network of data processing nodes that are interconnected for the purpose of data communication. 2. A communications network in which
network computer Definition
Definition of: network computer (1) A computer in the network. (2) An earlier approach for managing personal computers that never caught on.
network computer Definition
Definition of: network computer (1) A computer in the network. (2) An earlier approach for managing personal computers that never caught on.
Intro to Internet-WWW: Definitions
The Internet is a set of connected computer networks. From the Free Online Dictionary of Computing , we get this definition from its entry for Internet:
Computer Networking - Wireless Networks - Home Networking
Learn about wireless networks, Internet networking and general computer of applications envisaged for the future such as high-definition IPTV.
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Read a description of ARCNET. This is also known as Attached Resource Computer Network. Free detailed reports on ARCNET are also available.
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