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Every Mac Pro supports two displays — including one 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display — and can giving your portable computer a dramatic desktop canvas.
Two monitors are better than one
To see if you have more than one monitor connection, look at the back of your computer for two Video Graphics Array (VGA) connectors or two Digital Visual
Computer display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
One pin was used as as ground, and two pins were used for Some users use more than one monitor. The displays can operate in multiple modes.
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Two Computer One Monitor - 78 results like the Tripp Lite 2-Port All-in-One Desktop KVM Switch w/ 2 Built-in Cable Kits, Belkin Two-Port KVM
Connect Two Computer One Monitor - Cables & Adapters - Compare
Connect Two Computer One Monitor - 2 results like the Belkin 6FT CABLE KIT E SRS KVM 2XMNDN6 M/M HDDB15 M/F, Pi Engineering Y-SEE-TWO DUAL MONITOR ADAPTER.
Monitor Cables and adapters for PC and Mac, Sun 13W3
I want to connect two monitors to my computer because I'ma teacher or an exhibitionist! See here! I want to connect one monitor to two PC's!
This is a very simple and fun use of a dying computer monitor
This is a very simple and fun use of a dying computer monitor. Jacob's ladders have been around forever, but I don't think one has ever been made in this
Two X servers, one for my monitor, one for my TV using s-video out
Two X servers, one for my monitor, one for my TV using s-video out from video I mean one that I'd place side-by-side with my regular computer monitor
Computer display - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
One pin was used as as ground, and two pins were used for Some users use more than one monitor. The displays can operate in multiple modes.
VGA BNC Video monitor switch, share one monitor multiple computer
VGA and BNC Video Switch - Share one monitor among many PCs and workstations.
AMCONN Computer Monitor Accessories at MSN Shopping
The computer end of the cable uses one HDDB 15 pin Male connector for the monitor and two 6 pin mini DIN Male for the PS/2 keyboard and mouse.
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