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    Wireless Network Security for Home Users encryption on each of your computers that will use the wireless network. 4. Disable broadcasting of your SSID . By default, the SSID (your wireless network’s name) is broadcast to anyone with a wireless network card. Although this makes it easy to configure your
    Wireless Network Security for Home Users encryption on each of your computers that will use the wireless network. 4. Disable broadcasting of your SSID . By default, the SSID (your wireless network’s name) is broadcast to anyone with a wireless network card. Although this makes it easy to configure your
    Software Free in many ways. (more…) Wireless Network Security for Home Users Add comment Software Antivirus If you use a Wireless Network, chances are good it is not secure. If you don’t make some important configuration changes on your Wireless router after installing it, your
    Broadband internet Permalink Comments Wireless Network Security for Home Users August 8, 2006 @ 10:40 pm · Filed under broadband If you use a Wireless Network, chances are good it is not secure. If you don’t make some important configuration changes on your Wireless router

    Howstuffworks "How WiFi Works"
    If you have more than one computer, getting them to talk to one another can save you Next, we'll look at how to create a wireless network in your home.
    O'Reilly Network -- Setting Up an 802.11b Home Wireless Network
    First, you might have a notebook computer that you want to connect to your home network. For this purpose, you can easily get a wireless PCMCIA card for
    Beginners Guides: Wireless Home Networking - PCSTATS.com
    So let's look into what is involved in making your home network wireless. One wireless network adaptor for each computer or device that you wish to
    Apple - AirPort Express
    If you already have a wireless network in your home and would like to the wireless network requires an AirPort or AirPort Extreme enabled computer or
    DIY: Setting up a Wi-Fi home network - Wireless Network Adapters
    With a broadband connection and a wireless network, you can get blazingly fast access on multiple computers throughout your home.

    DIY: Setting up a Wi-Fi home network - Wireless Network Adapters
    With a broadband connection and a wireless network, you can get blazingly fast access on multiple computers throughout your home.
    DIY home networking guides and tutorials
    Home computer networking and Internet connection sharing help for beginner and intermediate users. Home network installer directory.
    Making the Wireless Home Network Connection in Windows XP Without
    Making the Wireless Home Network Connection in Windows XP Without a Router On the host computer, open the Wireless Network Properties dialog box and
    Is your home wireless network vulnerable?
    It's not uncommon for a home user with a wireless-enabled computer to pick up a wireless network signal, often inadvertently, from a next-door neighbor's
    Home Networking Help
    Now you can easily lock down your wireless network to protect against identity theft, If I could just get to that file on my home computer
    My Home Network: Wireless 802.11b and a Router/Switch
    My Home Network: Wireless 802.11b and a Router/Switch requires you to have two network cards in your computer (or a dial-up connection and a LAN card).
    How to Set Up a Wireless Home Network
    There are a few different setup scenarios for wireless home networks, your own personal computer. Find out more! >> brought to you by PCMag.com Network
    Home PC Firewall Guide
    Home PC Firewall Guide. The Wild West -- A personal computer connected to the Internet security testing services, and wireless hot spot protection.
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