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    Open Directory - Computers: Software: Graphics
    3D-Album Photo Presentation Software - Digital photo album software that Ph.D. Thesis - Computer Graphics Architectures - Site contains a set of 2D and
    Open Directory - Computers: Software: Graphics: 3D
    [GNU/Linux/Win32]; Kitware Inc. Visualization Toolkit - VTK is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing,
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    Pointers to various useful free computer graphics software packages which include There is a wide variety of computer graphics related software packages
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    The ultimate resource for learning about graphics software for Macintosh and Windows. Nature and Particle Effects Software • About Computer Animation
    Software > Graphics in the Yahoo! Directory
    Find graphics software sites, covering areas such as 3D, Programs that demonstrate the theory behind many computer graphics concepts.
    Computer graphics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Modern-day computer graphics software goes far beyond just the simple storage of polygons in computer memory. Today's graphics are not only the product of
    3D computer graphics software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    3D computer graphics software is a program or collection of programs used to is the most expensive high-end 3D computer graphics package available.
    Unless otherwise noted, all of these software packages are covered by the Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory's General Software License.
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