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    Computer Technology Course Descriptions
    This course provides an intermediate coverage of PC technology and problem solving. Topics include computer hardware, operations, and ethics, and operating
    MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    EECS, the famous "course 6", is the largest MIT department, and Computer Science makes up more than half. Course, faculty, and group information and
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    Table of Contents
    STANDARD COURSE OF STUDY. COMPUTER/TECHNOLOGY SKILLS :: TABLE OF CONTENTS. NOTE :: Various file formats are used on this page that may require download.

    Table of Contents
    STANDARD COURSE OF STUDY. COMPUTER/TECHNOLOGY SKILLS :: TABLE OF CONTENTS. NOTE :: Various file formats are used on this page that may require download.
    Course Technology -- Computer Concepts 3E InfoWeb
    spacer, This Web site is dedicated to both Computer Concepts, Third Edition and Computers, Technology, and Society, Second Edition.
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    The Georgia Institute of Technology has established a Master of Science degree program in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), which began Fall Quarter of 1997
    Computer/Technology Skills
    The K-12 Computer/Technology Skills Standard Course of Study identifies the essential knowledge and skills that all students need to be active,
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    The course will offer reading, discussion, guest presentations and projects on the developing culture and technology of computer and video game design.

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