bit-tech.net | Case Engraving: Star Wars
Homepage > Modding > Case Engraving: Star Wars. Search: article is all about me engraving a Lian Li PCV1000B, to turn it into a Star Wars tribute case.
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Case mods or computer case modifications are the ultimate display of geek chic, On the Beach by Katsuya Matsumura. Computer & Game Console Case Mod
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Come join the 2006 Cooler Master Annual Worldwide Case Mod Contest. a puzzle box into the PC and hopefully entirely conceal the computer in the process.
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Science Fiction Case Mod Contest: The First Winner!
My case mod is a scale model of a Star Wars TIE Fighter, with a computer built right into the cockpit. And, it's also a desk! The whole case is built from
Case modding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Case modding or Case modification is the modification of a computer chassis Window Mod: Putting a window within one of the panels of a computer case.
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