Apple - Support - Mac 101 - The Grand Tour - The Dock
However, when you command the Trash to empty itself, you can kiss its contents goodbye. To get rid of unwanted items, simply drag the item from the Finder
Computer - CNET.com.au
Now they can have a computer that looks like the iconic digital music player. directly overlay Google Earth maps with video, photo and blog content.
interface - explorer // shared boundaries
In semiotic terms, the computer interface acts as a code which carries and a table of contents; 3D spaces framed by a rectangular frame which can be
MacNewsWorld: Mac Intelligence for the Enterprise
12 concerning a new product, the iTV, designed to wirelessly convey digital content from a computer to a television. The headliner of the San Francisco
Iconic User Interface, The Macintosh way of communicating with the user is iconic in When you shut off the computer, the Clipboard's contents disappear.
Iconic User Interface, The Macintosh way of communicating with the user is iconic in When you shut off the computer, the Clipboard's contents disappear.
Attached > Computer history > The Macintosh Design Team interview
Atkinson: We want the most computer that you can get for the least You transfer the entire contents of the Mac through that serial port in one second.
Wired News: IPod Gray Market Booms in India
But it's a taste very few can satisfy since all imported computer goods are so "The fact that iPods are unaffordable makes them iconic," said Rashmi
Media streams: an iconic visual language for video annotation
With one hour of video, its content can be stored in human memory, but as we move up in orders of [2] Apple Computer, Macintosh Common Lisp reference.
self-explaining icons
Animation is 'tine graphic which occurs in time' (Baecker, 1987) and is a specific advantage of computer based iconic systems over more traditional systems.
Table of Contents
computer demands from the user as much as the things it can do for you; The destruction of iconic musical hardware feeds into two processes of myth
When Apple Computer begins selling Hollywood films online this week on Nor will the content be playable on Apple's iconic iPod portable digital player.
Interface Design
Adventures with Hybrid Systems: Integrating the Macintosh Interface Given sufficiently powerful software tools, advanced computer users can customize