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    The Museum of Printing: Collection
    The table upon which the type is organized into one or multi-page forms is although much of the proof-reading was done with clunky computer-printer
    Online Multiplayer Games Network (OMGN): Games Directory: Seed
    "The Hustle is a multiplayer online strategy game where you play the role of a ruthless, hoe-snatchin' Pimp. Build up your empire by recruiting girls to
    MIT EECS Awards and Honors, AY96-97
    Welcome to the Web form of this booklet for AY 1996-97. 6.004 students are challenged to modify the computer they build in class and increase its speed.
    Prospect Observatory
    However, finally the first stage of the observatory building began in August - clearing the site. Here the back hoe crashes through my woods to get to the
    ScienceDaily: Spiders Make Best Ever Post-it Notes
    The flexible contact tips of the setules are triangular (pictures available What makes the van der Waals force an interesting form of adhesion is that,

    ScienceDaily: Spiders Make Best Ever Post-it Notes
    The flexible contact tips of the setules are triangular (pictures available What makes the van der Waals force an interesting form of adhesion is that,
    John Nack on Adobe: March 2006 Archives
    [Tangentially related: speaking of computer-assisted woodcutting, Turn Your Head will take a picture of your profile, then use a lathe to render your
    E-Newsletter - Purdue Engineering
    Purdue President Martin C. Jischke uses a Caterpillar back-hoe to break ground for the Five research areas of ICPT form two subgroups:. Human-computer
    UCREL Publications Bookshelf
    Corpus Annotation gives an up-to-date picture of this fascinating new area of This book is about building computer programs that parse (analyze,
    The Netherlands tackles nitrogen pollution with a game | By Erik
    Or at least playing a computer game -- the world's only computer game dark side: Your car combines it with oxygen to form NOx, a component of smog.
    O'Reilly -- Safari Books Online - Building Secure Servers with Linux
    Building Secure Servers with Linux provides a unique balance of "big picture" principles that transcend specific software packages and version numbers,
    Wired 14.04: Dream Machines
    And more games entice players to become creative partners in world building, letting them mod its overall look and feel. The online communities that form
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