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Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005: Connect your Media Center PC
Connect your Media Center PC to a computer monitor Media Center Edition 2005 to your TV, and you can enjoy your favorite computer and TV entertainment
TV Tuner Plays On PC VGA Monitor
You can even use the AIMS Lab Instant TV and a 17" to 21" computer monitor as your home theater while you wait for HDTV sets to come down in price or while
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(LCD-based monitors can receive television and computer protocols (SVGA, DVI, PAL, Color calibration - used to calibrate a computer monitor or display.
Can I use my TV as a second monitor? - Ask Leo!
I am not trying to use the TV as a primary monitor but as a secondary one; like the one you can see in a computer show on TV.
Monitors: Digital and analog CRT and LCD computer monitors - Page
You can use an LCD computer monitor as a TV by attaching it to an internal PCI TV tuner card that is installed in a free PCI slot on the computer's
Play video on your computer or TV
How to Watch video on the TV using a computer with TV-Out Use a low resolution, like 640x480, on the monitor when watching a VCD to get best quality.
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Turn the TV or second monitor on (not the computer, leave it off). 5. If you are using a TV, use the TV remote control to change the input source setting to
Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005: TV Connection cables
Overview of the types of connections you can use to connect your Media Center PC to a TV, computer monitor, or high-end display.
TV Tuner Plays On PC VGA Monitor
You can even use the AIMS Lab Instant TV and a 17" to 21" computer monitor as your home theater while you wait for HDTV sets to come down in price or while
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You don't need a computer to watch TV and DVDs on a computer monitor. "New flat monitor are very nice to use" by jrthekid (see profile)
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