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    CGTalk is the official forum for The CGSociety (Computer Graphics Society). CG Choice Gallery: 2D, Illustrations and Concept Art (15 Viewing)
    The Art in Computer Programming by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
    In computer languages, Smalltalk has conceptual integrity, so does Ruby, so does C. C++ You should be proud of it. It is, after all, a work of art.
    Nathan Sawaya | The Art of the Brick™ | Gallery

    Computer Arts - Home
    06 Art of Darkness · 07 Layering techniques third-party plug-ins can change the way you work in After Effects forever. Computer Arts September 2006
    fineArt forum resource directory
    A Surprise/A Delight: Be surprised at the art work I create with handmade paper. Be delighted with my amusing computer grapics.

    fineArt forum resource directory
    A Surprise/A Delight: Be surprised at the art work I create with handmade paper. Be delighted with my amusing computer grapics.
    ONLamp.com -- Art and Computer Programming
    Art and computer programming, less so. Donald Knuth put them together when he into enough of your minds, it might be considered a small work of art.
    Generator.x: Software and generative strategies in art and design
    The online digital art journal Vague Terrain launched Vague Terrain 03: Generative Art last week, featuring work by 11 artists and musicians.
    ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee | History of Computer Graphics
    Those who feel their work contributed to the field of computer graphics, art, and the thought about art are requested to describe their areas of action and
    Computer art - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Computer art is by nature evolutionary, it relies on rapid changes in technology and software for the substance of its creative work.
    Digital Artworks - Gallery
    DA Gallery Page 1 Next >>. Details, Name, Site, Title, Artwork. Details, Marcello · Artwork · Torus fantasy. Details, Marcello · Artwork · Chion
    Amazon.com: The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-3 Boxed Set
    The Art of Computer Programming is a classic work. The three first volumes cover only the basic core of programming techniques. There are enough exercices,
    Computer Generated Art by Bogdan Soban
    Computer aided art means that the computer is only a very powerful tool controlled by the artist, and work is created by human (using Photoshop to create :::
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