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    Should I Compare an Apple Ipod With a Different MP3 Player before Buying? Should I Compare an Apple Ipod With a Different MP3 Player before Buying? Are you looking to purchase an mp3 player to store all of the songs you have downloaded off of Napster or Winamp? If you are willing to spend a lot of money to get a highend MP3 player with all of the
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    Support for most Apple products provided by Apple Computer.
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    Fee-based service, pay for a year at a time. Email, web storage, offsite virtual hard drive, various free tools and files. 60-day free trial available.
    Apple Developer Connection
    Provides news and technical information for Apple Developers.
    Apple Computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Apple's board of directors sided with Sculley, and Jobs was removed from his Jobs later resigned from Apple and founded NeXT Inc., a computer company

    The Apple Museum | HomePage
    Apple Museum  dedicato alla storia di Apple Computer, Inc. Apple Museum contiene le specifiche, le descrizioni, i commenti, le recensiondi di tutti i
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    Paolo Valdemarin Weblog: Apple immigrants
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    Apple Computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Apple's board of directors sided with Sculley, and Jobs was removed from his Jobs later resigned from Apple and founded NeXT Inc., a computer company
    Slashdot - Apple
    Select news related to Apple from Slashdot.
    Apple - Discussions
    Apple support forums covering all Apple products (hardware and software). Guests may browse; registered members may post.
    Apple Computer Division :: Renaissance Ltd.
    Local Apple information, Renaissance - Apple Computer Division.
    Apple security updates
    This document outlines security updates for Apple products. To learn more about Apple Product Security, see the Apple Computer Product Security Incident
    The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
    Comments on Mac products and events, and plenty of tips and advice.
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    If you participated in a previous battery recall for any of these computer models or recently purchased or received from Apple an extra battery for an iBook
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