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    Podcasting is a term coined from the Apple Computer Corporation product – the iPod, which is a portable digital audio device that lets its users store music from their Computer to the device so that they can listen to it anywhere, anytime. However, the term is no longer exclusive to
    2006 May is a term coined from the Apple Computer Corporation product – the iPod, which is a portable digital audio device that lets its users store music from their Computer to the device so that they can listen to it anywhere, anytime. However, the term is no longer exclusive to

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    AppleInsider | Apple Insider News and Rumors
    Apple Computer on Thursday released a significant update to Boot Camp, its dual-booting software Apple and Circuit City to make a second go at Mac sales
    Macworld: News: Apple desktop market share on the rise; will the
    There is good and bad news for Apple Computer's market share numbers in the news for the company's desktop market share in 2005 as Mac mini sales increase.
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    Apple Takes On Intel - Forbes.com
    More immediately, by announcing a transition that is going to take place during 2006 and into 2007, Apple can't help but hurt its computer sales during the
    Apple's Profit Up On Sales Of IPods (washingtonpost.com)
    Apple Computer Inc. reported yesterday that sales of its iPod music player increased Apple's computer sales in the second quarter were up 43 percent,
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    Price and profit cuts loom for Apple | CNET News.com
    How that affects other computer makers depends on how they deal with slowing consumer sales and how Apple executes its price cuts. Either way, analysts say,
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    In many cases, your sales person might give you (sometimes substantial) discounts on If you are buying Microsoft Office vX along with an Apple computer,
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    Renaissance Limited (Apple Computer Division) is the wholesale distributor of Apple Products in New NOTE: Not to be used for Online Store Sales support. :::
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