Computer History
Famous inventors in the computer business - over twenty-six fully illustrated Apple Macintosh, the famous Apple home computer. More apple history.
Famous Inventions - A - History of Inventions
A list of articles related to the invention and the history of alternative, Apple Computers The Apple Lisa was the first home computer with a GUI or
History of Computers
APPLE/MACINTOSH Apple Computer history (apple-history.com) See Dijkstra, Edsger STIBITZ, GEORGE R. George R. Stibitz, Computer Inventor (1904-1995)
Apple computer news
bizjournals.com -- Apple Computer Inc. on Wednesday rolled out its iMac line featuring businessweek.com -- As the inventor of the Apple I and Apple II,
Mouse (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The first computer mouse, held by inventor Douglas Engelbart, From the first Macintosh until late 2005, Apple shipped computers with a single-button
Woz.orgEveryone is Welcome
Steve Wozniak, Inventor of the Apple Computer Highland ISBN 0-945783-08-6 112 pages, with photos, glossary and index. paperback $10.95 The publisher still
Apple, Dell and ThinkPads account for a majority of business laptops on board flights Handheld Computers. HDTV and Home Theater. Health. Home Automation
Young Inventors
Ask them to write or word process a short description of their invention and make a drawing (on paper or on the computer) of the invention.
Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp. - Wikipedia, the free
Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp. Apple wasn't the inventor of the GUI or the desktop metaphor in the Notable litigation of Apple Computer
Invent Now | Hall of Fame | Search | Inventor Profile
Wozniak's Apple II personal computer - introduced in 1977 and featuring a Inventor Bio All his life, Steve Wozniak has loved projects that require him
Apple computer news
bizjournals.com -- Apple Computer Inc. on Wednesday rolled out its iMac line featuring businessweek.com -- As the inventor of the Apple I and Apple II,
April - June 2005 News Releases
Apple Computer Inventor Steve Wozniak to receive honorary degree at Nova Southeastern University Commencement Broward Elections Chief Brenda Snipes to
Codesigned the Apple II computer. Designed and built the Apple I computer. Cofounder of Apple Computer. Named Inventor of the Week by the Lemelson-MIT Prize
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