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    Computer graphics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    However, all the "computer graphic" effects in that film were hand-drawn animation, and the special effects sequences were produced entirely with
    Computer animation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Increasingly it is created by means of 3D computer graphics, though 2D computer graphics are still widely used. Sometimes the target of the animation is the
    Graphics - Home
    Our research addresses a number of key underlying technologies: 3D graphics and animation, computer vision, and statistical modeling.
    An Historical Timeline of Computer Graphics and Animation
    This timeline is used in conjunction with a course at Ohio State titled A Critical History of Computer Graphics and Animation. The pages associated with
    Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Animation
    Our research efforts span a wide range of areas in computer graphics, computer vision, computer animation and visual programming.

    Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Animation
    Our research efforts span a wide range of areas in computer graphics, computer vision, computer animation and visual programming.
    comp.graphics.animation FAQ v3.3 (7 Mar)
    Computer animation, like its progenitor computer graphics, abuts on a large number of fields. There are a lot of crossover topics, and a lot of related
    Index of Course Sections
    A Critical History of Computer Graphics and Animation. Section 1. The History of computing technology. Section 2. The emergence of Computer Graphics
    Imager Computer Graphics Laboratory
    Works towards advancing the science of computer graphics, computer animation, human computer interaction, and computational geometry.
    Computer Graphics - refdesk.com
    Cool Archive - archive of free clip art, icons, web graphics, animations, fonts, backgrounds, arrows, and much more! Cornell Program of Computer Graphics
    Computer Animation Information Page
    M. Carignan, Y. Yang, N. Magenenat-Thalmann, and D. Thalmann, Dressing animated synthetic actors with complex deformable clothes, Computer Graphics (proc.
    CG Explorer: CGI Animation, Visual Arts and Visual Effects Resources
    Your source on Computer Graphics, Animation, Special Effects, Digital Art with news, links, images, short movies, animated films and more.
    Computer Graphics Tips: Modeling, Animation, Image Maps, Compression
    Free tutorials and tips for creating graphics using a computer, including animation, modeling, image maps, compression, tiles, 3D, rendering, NURBs :::
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    basic computer networking: technology Active GraF/x Computer Graphic Design - Sito dedicato allo
    computer networking product: technology Active GraF/x Computer Graphic Design - Sito dedicato allo
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    3d art: fantasy art 3d e 3d sidewalk art e for use and so called Laser Graphic Art - laser Graphics in crystal Laser
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