(Drawn from the writings of Giuseppe Spina and Lorena Balbo)
The church devoted to St. Giacomo, the site of an ancient cult of unknown origins, stands in the heart of Treville, at the beginning of the popular and ancient
"Contrada of Incisa" ('Nsisa).
It probably was a church for the guard as these chapels were usually built close to the gates of the villages. The oldest information about the existence of this small church is contained in documents from 1590 and 1725. In 1590 it was recommended that: "... The small church of Giacomo must be closed and restored; must be whitewashed and put in odeecent rder by the Community within six months, otherwise it will be destroyed and the material will be used... to build the parish house.". In 1725, it is described as "wider than a trabucco" (the Piedmontese trabucco measured 3.086 m) "being a few more in composed of a vault, facing the road, door..., two side windows with iron shutters.. ".
St. Giacomo and St. Ambrogio
These documents mentioned a painting (deemed "good"), showing St. Giacomo and many religious altar cloths and holy vessels. "Sung mass is celebrated on the Patron day and on S. Bovo day" (S. Bovo or Bovone, is the saint invoked against the epidemics of livestock). In 1830 it was the seat of the SS. Sacrament Confraternity (the Batù), a now-dissolved religious order dressed in white hooded mantles. This Confraternita is mentioned in a Trevillese document from 1500.
S. Giacomo, is still consecrated and was recently restored.Closed for a long time, the church welcomes art exhibitions and concerts, with its cosy and fascinating environment and atmosphere.