I am Alberto Orlandini, an Italian boy born in 1984. I'm fond of computers and the Internet.

I live in Prato Sesia, a village in the north-west of Italy, between Milan and Turin; so I can see the beautiful and lovely tops of the Alps... (Monte Rosa)
Now Prato Sesia has its own site! The address is the following: www.pratosesia.com
In this site you'll find a description of my village, translated in English, too.

I attend the G.Galilei Scientific Liceo (Italian secondary school), in Borgomanero, the nearest town with a scientific secondary school, because I like the scientific subjects. I also play the guitar and the electric keyboard. It is linked with my computer so I can record what I play, using a MIDI Program. I'd like putting some pieces played by me in this page, but they are very numerous, and so I can't put all them here. But if you want to listen to them, just ask me by e-mail. You know the address!

For the moment, this is everything, but remember that this site is UNDER CONSTRUCTION...

I would need more time to build a serious site ...!


Bye Bye, Everybody, and ThAnKs To HaVe ViSiTeD mY wEbPaGe !