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Keep Kids in and Bad Guys Out with Home Security System Hornell Evening Tribune
(ARA) - Millions of American kids come home to or leave an empty house every day. Yet many don't fit the stereotype of a "latchkey kid" - a child in a single parent household whose custodial parent is at work when the school day ends or begins.
Home Security for Renters Kewanee Star Courier
(ARA) - Owning a home may be the American Dream, but the American reality is that most people's first home is a rental. And the number of people who choose to rent as a permanent housing arrangement is on the rise, according to national statistics.
A Security System for Renters Hornell Evening Tribune
(ARA) - For most Americans, moving out of Mom and Dad's house means moving into a rental unit of their own. Not only is an apartment the home of choice for young adults leaving the nest, statistics show an increasing number of Americans are opting to rent as a permanent housing arrangement.
PBS Frontline: 'Spying on the Home Front' Washington Post
Frontline producer Rick Young was online Wednesday, May 16 at 11 a.m. ET to discuss his film "Spying on the Home Front," which details how the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program works and examines clashing views on whether the president has violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
Al Qaeda Aussie 'happy' to be jailed on home soil CNN.com
ADELAIDE, Australia (AP) -- David Hicks, the first Guantanamo Bay inmate to face a U.S. military tribunal, was flown back to his hometown of Adelaide on Sunday to serve out the remainder of his sentence in a maximum security prison cell.
Keeping your house safe with home security systems The Capital
Q: We've lived in our neighborhood for quite some time and have never worried much about locking the house while the kids were living at home coming and going all the time. We still both work but the kids have grown and moved out.
Expo offers up smorgasbord of security Asbury Park Press
Security, once achieved simply by closing and locking one's door, has become synonymous with the integration of various technological applications at work and home and in government.
Australian detainee arrives home from Guantanamo CTV.ca
Confessed Australian al Qaeda supporter David Hicks was ferred to a maximum security prison in his hometown on Sunday after spending more than five years at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
New monitoring systems let you spy on your own home The Morning Call
Peace of mind ranges from a nannycam to a fully wired house. Csilla and Tim Clark like to go out regularly for dinner and a show. But these days the show is their own living room -- beamed remotely onto their cell phones. From their home in Wenham, Mass., cameras send the couple live images and monitors send text messages when the house gets too chilly.
School threat spurs extra security Baltimore Sun
About half the students at C. Milton Wright High School in Harford County stayed home yesterday after parents were notified Thursday that a threat of possible violence against students had been received, a school spokesman said.
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