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Czech minister wants home education law to be tightened České noviny
Prague- Czech Education Minister Dana Kuchtova (Green Party) said the law on home education has loopholes and should be tightened, in the Questions of Vaclav Moravec discussion programme on public Czech Television today.
Australian Qaeda supporter home from Guantanamo Reuters via Yahoo! News
The first Guantanamo Bay inmate convicted of supporting terrorism by a U.S. military court returned to Australia on Sunday under a veil of secrecy, but "elated" to serve out his remaining sentence at home.
Home where the heart is Monroe County Clarion
The women of the Monroe County Association for Home and Community Education proved home is where the heart is April 19 as they hosted their 66th annual meeting.
Adrian Ford: Education is key to solving racial issues Sentinel & Enterprise
Adrian Ford, the longtime executive director of Three Pyramids Inc. in Fitchburg, believes education is the ultimate equalizer when it comes to helping black and Latino students close the achievement gap with white students.
Public, private education systems excel in many categories The Journal News
For 10 months of the year, Rockland County thinks schools. The district is home to more than 61,800 schoolchildren who attend public, private and religious schools in the county's five towns.
Coming Home New York Times
As more veterans file back to New York from Iraq, the city?s college system is striving to furnish their education and help them meet the challenge of re-entering civilian life.
Guantanamo Bay Detainee David Hicks Back Home in Australia Voice of America
Convicted Australian terrorism supporter David Hicks is back home and behind bars after a flight from the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. Hicks was the first detainee convicted of supporting extremism by the U.S. military court. From Sydney, Phil Mercer reports.
Oliver Hill's home to be converted into legal help center WDBJ 7 Roanoke
ROANOKE, Va. (AP) - The boyhood home of civil rights attorney Oliver Hill is being restored and converted to a center that will provide free legal services to the community.
Hicks home to a chilly reception News Interactive
IF David Hicks expected the welcome mat to be rolled out when he finally made it home to Australia yesterday, it wasn't to be, as the reception was frostier than the wintry morning into which he dropped.
South Dakota town strives to save home of Lincoln tutor The State Journal-Register
PETERSBURG - Officials in Blunt, S.D., hope to save the historic home there of Mentor Graham, who is credited with tutoring Abraham Lincoln when both lived in the central Illinois village of New Salem in the early 1830s.
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