gmt clocks forward: gmt clocks forward:

The BreaksFM GMT clock is wrong
As if it wasn\'t confusing enough that the US switched the clocks forward 1 hour for daylight savings time and the UK didn\'t Now the BreaksFM clock on the schedule page is slow by 1 hour! Threw me for a loop there for a second!
Remember to Spring forward
At 0200 EST (0700 GMT) clocks will move forward by an hour, shifting an hour of daylight from morning to evening. Not that I really needed the BBC to tell me that I needed to change my clock, but I thought I'd link to the article anyway
Poking a Grumpy Lion WIth a Pointy Stick
There is nothing quite like watching the sun come up on a late spring day – and the moving of the clocks forward means this treat is more accessible to all. One of the great pleasures I remember from working shifts was going outside for
Time | Clocks to a Different Beat in Crete
This weekend (March 25) the whole of Europe put the clocks forward one hour for summer time. Brits in Crete included. For the next seven months we are officially on Eastern European Summer Time (EEST). That makes us 2 hours ahead of GMT
It remained advanced one hour forward year-round until September 30, 1945. In England, the energy saving aspects of Daylight Saving were recognized again during WWII. Clocks were changed two hours ahead of GMT during the summer,
British Summer Time
British Summer Time will come into force very shortly - at 01.00 GMT the clocks go forward to 02.00 BST. The same clock movement applies across Europe. The Americans, I gather, are still bemused after their clocks gained an hour two
Flash clock question
Basically I've built this Flash clock. I test it out with my System clock accurate and the Flash clock displays the correct time. I put forward my System clock by 15 minutes and the Flash clock goes forward 15 minutes too when I next
Daylight Savings Fun
Forty-five minutes later all the clocks moved forward again. *grumble* I was busy, I didn’t give it much thought and just told folks to deal with it and I’d bounce the server tonight. Surely that would cure it.
US time switch set to save energy
At 0200 EST (0700 GMT) clocks moved forward by an hour, shifting an hour of daylight from morning to evening. Summer time will last until 4 November, a week later than in previous years. The extra four weeks are expected to help cut
Things that didn't switch from GMT to BST on their own
And the expensive watch, the iPod, the house boiler, the oven and perhaps some as yet unnoticed clocks didn't switch from GMT to BST on their own. But given that not all of our clocks switch time automatically, perhaps it would be
gmt+clocks+forward: gmt+clocks+forward:

gmt+clocks+forward: gmt+clocks+forward: